[center][b]Mario[/b][/center] Did that telepathic alien think that they were going to remain calm after he revealed himself as being a blue centaurlike being? You would more likely see this in science fiction, not real life. How could this even be happening? Wouldn’t extraterrestrial life be so foreign to humans that we could not even use our own planet’s fauna as a comparison? Or at least that what Mario thought. However, when the centaur stumbled out of his spacecraft, his blunder almost humanized him to Mario. This alien was obviously not a threat to any of them. His efforts to stand up were almost pitiable, as he kept striving to stand even though he was physically unable to do so. [b]“He's dying!"[/b], Mario heard Max say, who was gesturing vaguely towards Mario. [b]"Call the police,"[/b] she demanded, her voice high and tight with fear. [b]"No...and ambulance. 9-1-1, tell him he's..."[/b] Mario whipped out his cell phone. Unlike some of his other schoolmates, Mario still had a “dumb” phone, as Mario called it. It was not a flip phone, but it was not a smart phone either. However, Mario did not care that he had a “dumb” phone. In fact, he preferred it: simple yet functional. Mario started to call 9-1-1; however, after he dialed those three digits, all Mario heard was background static. He could not hear the phone dialing, only static. He tried again, but with the same result. Therefore, so that he does not become an exemplum of insanity (trying the same thing over and over again while expecting different results), Mario placed the phone back into his pocket. “Something must be interfering with my cell phone reception,” Mario informed the desperate girl before him, “but what good would it do anyway? If anyone saw him, federal agents from Area 51 would probably show up, take this Prince Nifal-Ishal-Shay guy, or whatever he said, and then erase all of our memories of any of this “alien” stuff.”