Jonas looked behind him as a small voice addressed herself as Britnia. Finding the source of the voice, Jonas was intrigued by the sight of a Feytouched. "Hello, Britnia. My name is Jonas Eldrin. It's a pleasure to meet you," he would say. He would then go on and continue speaking. "You're a Feytouched human, is that correct? Hmph. Fascinating. If my knowledge is correct, the Feytouched are humans or elves that are given traits of the Feyfolk after birth. It's in the Feyfolken's nature to be kind and generous, but there is two sides to every coin, is there not? Feyfolken are also known to be tricksters to the unwary. More times than not, though, Feyfolken are kind and generous. An interesting race of creatures." Jonas would then smile and correct himself. "My apologies, I ramble a lot. One of my nagging tendencies, I guess. If I see something remotely interesting, I just have to comment on it and share knowledge. And the comments lead to more comments, and if I don't stop myself, it becomes something of a novel sight. Anyways, why did you come here, to Caldwell's Academy?," he said, and then asked. Jonas would sit in a seat and gesture for Britnia to recline as she spoke as well.