[b]Name:[/b] Lillah Lawson [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Alignment:[/b] Paladin [b]Appearance:[/b] She has a straight, boyish figure and a short haircut to match. Although lean, she's muscular as well: her limbs are toned and the beginnings of abs sit at her mid drift. However, she doesn't really go out of her way to show off her rectangle-esque physique, save for her arms since--when she's not wearing a coat or sweatshirt--she prefers tank tops and other sleeveless tops. Under said tops, she typically wears a sports bra over average sized breasts. Her skin is dark olive in complexion and her eyes a light, exotic brown. Her hair is dark brown, as well, and stops just short of the bottom of her ears. She has a long-ish face, high cheek bones, and a sharp nose. She stands at 5'6" and weighs in at about 120 lbs of angst. [b]Personality:[/b] Lillah is the loner type: she's silently broody and keeps to herself. She's angry by default and isn't very patient with people--but has developed the self-control to deal with them despite. Her sense of humor is lacking and she'll roll her eyes before she laughs. She's a person who's hard to get to know and doesn't show much interest in getting to know others either. She struggles with the influence of her past life, as well, and tends to find that she can be rather cruel to others when her self control snaps. Despite these negative qualities, she tries to be a better person and will grudgingly land a hand where ever it's needed. She's brave, but not stupid, and very independent. She believes she knows how to take care of herself, and therefore has trouble accepting help from others. Once one does get to know her, they’ll find that she’s extremely loyal and protective. She’ll put a friend before herself every time, and might even get caught smiling every now and again. [b]Power:[/b] None [b]Weapons:[/b] The most she carries on her person is a pocket knife. [b]History:[/b] Lillah doesn’t remember, but she was taken away from her birth parents quite early because of infant abuse. The orphanage she was briefly raised in believed the trauma to be the cause of her introverted nature, for even when she did come out of her shell, she was often rude to the other children and caretakers. However, when fellow paladin Laurence Lawson stepped up to adopt the child when no one else would, it was because she, too, was a paladin. Being raised by another paladin meant she was handed things on a silver platter that most paladins have to figure out for themselves: knowledge about who she is, training to deal with it, and an established network of fellow paladins. Training included combat and, especially for Lillah, dealing with the stress and guilt. Unlike her father, she was unable to recall her past life even in sleep. Nightmares that were supposed to be revealing were instead night terrors that had her waking up in a cold sweat. Her best mood was just barely happy, and—reluctantly—her father had her see a therapist who prescribed anti-depressants and sleeping pills. Although she never was and still isn’t a fully realized paladin, by high school she was far more prepared for the life she was given to lead than most. She expressed a preference for home schooling, but her father believed she needed to learn how to deal with the public. So her early high school days consisted of barely scraping by with low Cs, paladin training, and gaming in between. Come sophomore year, she added track to her list of activities—but not willingly. Lillah had gotten into a fight with a fellow student for picking on another. It was of course following a talk from her father emphasizing the importance of helping people, especially as a paladin. Still, she took it too far and she faced expulsion. However, circumstances were acknowledged and the school disciplinary committee allowed her to stay so long as she picked up a [i]noncontact[/i] sport as a means to curb her aggression. She chose track. That bump in the road made high school a little harder for Lillah, especially since she needed to maintain a decent GPA in order to continue track. But, she managed to finish school. After graduation, her father sold the house and they began to travel—not so much as father and daughter, but more-so as two equal paladins. Now, he’s growing older and Lillah is learning how to work, travel, and network with other paladins. This is a major reason why Laurence brought her to Fairlake, which has quite the dense paladin population. [b]Brief history of previous life/lives:[/b] This is Lillah's second life. However, she doesn't remember her first life as a serial killer. She would disguise herself and target couples--primarily newlyweds: kidnapping both, but only torturing and killing one before letting the other go. A strategy like that can't last forever, however, and she was imprisoned and executed after a kill count of twelve.