[b]Kythian, Duchy of Lydiah[/b] Duke Elvahn sighed as he sifted through yet another sheaf of paperwork. Never before had the Duchy of Lydiah experienced such a period of growth and development - new technologies, particularly in shipping, were being discovered all the time. Tariffs, embargo threats, alliance offers, and trade agreements constantly flooded into the nation, and then inevitably into the Duke's hands. Even his vast army of advisors and secretaries couldn't stem the flow by much. Casting the pile aside, he rose from his desk and stumbled towards the wall. He had been sitting in the same position for several hours, and his legs were well aware of it. Stretching out a hand to steady himself, his gaze fell upon a large-size map of Edoniras. Lydiah lay to the west, a thin golden-yellow band stretched along the coastline. Further inland was a vast uninhabited plain, and to the north, the mighty Lance Empire. Greatest of all the risks to Lydiah's independence, the Empire was also one of the trading hub's largest markets - the nation was so large and varied that there was a market for the vast majority of Lydiah's goods. The Duchy had always been wary of their more powerful northern neighbour, but neither had they wasted the opportunity to sell products obtained from the southerly regions of the continent, nations like Numberg and Azor, to the subjects of the Lance emperor. Suddenly, the large double doors flew open, jerking the Duke from his contemplation. He drew himself quickly upright, ready to defend himself. His two guards, clad in armour and blue cloaks, rushed into the room from outside and levelled their spears at the intruder. "What is the meaning of this?" demanded Elvahn. "My lord," answered the man, "I am from the Ministry of Cartography. We have recently made a breakthrough, and I rushed here at once to share with your Grace the good news. Pray, take a look at this." The man produced a large sheet of rolled up parchment from somewhere, rapidly winding the paper into a wide, flat page. He turned it round and showed it to the Duke. Now that he took the time to look at the 'stranger', he did begin to recognise him. But the thought was flushed instantly from his mind as his eyes fell upon the map stretched out before him. "What... what is this?" he gasped. "A new world, your Grace. A chance for all to find wealth and riches. This land is open to us for the taking." "But the other nations - do they know of this too?" "Regrettably so, your Grace. You must act quickly to claim what is rightfully yours. But I am not a Thane, nor an advisor. Your plans are not for me to make." And depositing the map into the dazed monarch's arms, he abruptly bowed, turned, and strode out through the door.