There was a moment where the Prince's brow hiked as if confused by the fae's words, however it was merely confusion at his manner. He had indeed asked which Rei would prefer and so the mounds would be left for another time. brushing such confusion aside he rose and nodded, "The stream it is then. We can leave the horses here, it is only a short walk and I am certain The Beast will crush a mans chest sooner than let them ride him. My Lady is also rather fussy with who she lets ride her, despite her good temperament." One of the stable hands had once tried as much and was left with a shattered arm for his attempts, Lady was a lady in all respects and only the man she chose was allowed to touch her. The fae one of the first since her gelding to be allowed to ride her without the Prince holding her reigns. With easy steps he climbed a few toppled rocks to the head of the mound and just below, through a smattering of tree's and a dip in the landscape there was the unmistakable shimmer of the stream. A twenty minute stroll from where they stood, slipping down off the stone's and into the tree line Alessandro was glad for the smattering of shade from the leaves of both old and young trees around them. As the fae spoke Alessandro listened and as the fae continued to speak the Prince stilled completely, his feet remaining in position and his eyes and body following Rei until the culmination of his speech, the revelation of his scars and the boys' own silence thereafter. There was a contemplative yet unreadable look upon his face, no smile lingered there but neither was he frowning. As the silence grew as thick as the leaf litter underfoot Alessandro finally reached forward and, awkwardly due to the hat, pet the boy on the head. His touch though heavy was not painful, it was a safe, reassuring sort of heavy, fingers even went to 'ruffle' the hair through the hat as he burst into a large grin. "Well..." He finally said at length, his tone still light and full of mirth, "I think I have well and truly been put in my place." He gave a grin and then carried on through the tree's towards the stream, "You are very right, very right indeed and d you know something? Your the only one who'd speak so frankly to me so Thank you. Thank you for setting me straight on that matter, I can't imagine how hard it must be for commoners in Winter, or when the Farms do not do well, or, gods forbid, they are raided. Foolish and childish of me to think so selfishly." As he passed a cluster of soft blue and lilac flowers he plucked a bloom and tucked it into the band of his hat. Of course after such he was soon riddled with a brief concern that the fae, being lovers of nature, would take offence to the action. It had seemed right at the time to the Prince and now it was done there was nothing much he could do to undo it and so with a brush of his fingers through his hair he continued and hoped there would not be fall out over the flower. When they came through the trees there before them was a carpet of multi-coloured wild flowers and grasses, seemingly untouched by scythe or human hands in months if not longer. While there were vague paths trodden into the grasses they were hard for a human to make out and were clearly for passage through the area and little else. The stream itself was perhaps knee deep in most of it length though deeper patches seemed likely, tiny silver grey fish darted through it's calm waters while other fish, slightly bigger though not larger than a hand, swam lazily back and forth in search of food. "What do you think?"