[center][URL=http://s1280.photobucket.com/user/RandomPhotoPlace/media/Girls/Real/tumblr_n1g8g1pmR41r3xcxlo1_1280_zpse6500c33.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1280.photobucket.com/albums/a493/RandomPhotoPlace/Girls/Real/tumblr_n1g8g1pmR41r3xcxlo1_1280_zpse6500c33.jpg[/IMG][/URL] .:. Raven Black Hair | 5'5" | 110lbs | [url=http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/236x/e0/47/fd/e047fd495c85ae2cce50038f1e9d7bef.jpg]Piercing Green Eyes[/url] .:.[/center] [b]Name:[/b] Hannah Smith [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] Eighteen (18) [b]Alignment:[/b] Paladin [b]Personality:[/b] Despite Hannah's troubled previous lives she is a rather sweet and kind young girl. Some of it has to do with the good raising she had but most the fact she is one of the few paladins that has actually seen her past lives. In her past lives she had seen what she had done during THAT current life she brushed it off and didn't care. But as Hannah grew up with loving parents and was taught morals and the like when she finally unlocked the door back into the memories of all of past lives rocked her to the core. Having seen all the bloodshed and evil of her past nearly destroyed her. But having come out the other end she vowed to atone for her past sins and end the cycle. From all this Hannah is a rather sweet, caring young girl that will do anything to help those in need; even if it puts herself in danger. [b]Power:[/b] [i]Time Manipulation[/i] - Hannah has the power to fast forward or rewind clocks, whether digital or analogue, and set it at anytime she desires. This has no effect on the actual flow of time but primarily used as a prank tool. Making people think they are late for a meeting or have time for a coffee when they should be rushing off to school. (JK :P) (But for srsly) Hannah currently only has the ability to stop the flow of time for a maximum of five seconds. Allowing her to move about and do as she pleases for that alotted time. Once time starts again all of her actions to change the environment go into motion; I.E. Throwing a rock during a time stop, it will freeze during it's path though as time regains it will continue to follow the path it was set on. Weakness: Seeing as Hannah only has five seconds to use the ability it severely limits what all she can do during the time halt. Furthermore, Hannah can only use the ability one every few hours or she will pass out from the strain. [b]Weapons:[/b] She carries a small 9mm pistol with her that is loaded with rubber bullets. [b]History:[/b] Hannah didn't always know what she was or the lives she had lived in her past. She had always thought she was just a normal kid with a strong immune system. Having never had a sick day her entire life, even when she was a baby. She was an adopted child, having never met her birth parents as she was abandoned and adopted before she was even two years old. She had two mothers so it was never a mystery that she was adopted. Though Hannah never cared, her parents loved her and she knew that, it never mattered to her that they weren't her biological parents. She had a pretty normal childhood, despite the occasional strange looks her family got out in public. She did well in school, she wasn't an A student but she did well enough to pass without much strain. She began to notice she too wasn't like normal girls after puberty, noticing she wasn't fawning over boys like the other girls in her schools but instead fantasizing about other girls. Having two moms made it very easy for her to come to them and explain how she was feeling and try to better understand what was happening. In truth her parents were excited to hear the news. Their daughter had something they knew all to well and knew exactly how to help her through it. Knowing their daughter wouldn't have to go through the same struggles they went through with their parents. Hannah carried on from there, continuing her normal life until one fateful day ([url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bW7Op86ox9g]DUN DUN DUNNN[/url]). She had recently gotten her license after she turned sixteen. Driving home from a study session at a friends house she was side swiped by a drunk driver that had ran a red light. She was in a coma for over a week. Somehow that accident unlocked whatever suppressed the memories of her past. During her coma all the memories flooded back, every gruesome detail. She wasn't a serial killer or anything like that but she had killed people in her previous lives for various reasons and circumstances. The overwhelming memories is probably one of the reasons she was in a coma so long, the strain it had on her was just to much. When she finally came out of her coma it was to the delight of both her parents; the both looking nearly as bad as Hannah did from so many sleepless nights in the chair beside her bed. They both hugged her as long as they could before a nurse came and shooed them off, not wanting them to mess up any of the several wires attached to her to monitor all her vitals. After such a traumatic experience they decided to keep her in the hospital for another week just to make sure everything continued to move in the right direction and nothing negative happened with her vitals. During that week Hannah tried to her best to just think of those memories as a bad nightmare during her coma. But they weighed on her to the point she had to figure out what the hell was up with those memories. They were just way to vivid to ignore. During her free time, having her parents bring her laptop to the hospital, she researched what she was experiencing. A lot of it sounded like hogwash until she finally came upon a weird website that said things about reincarnation. What the author described matched perfectly to what she experienced, though not nearly as extreme as her experience. '[i]..memories of a past life of crime and bloodshed.[/i]' A post that kept replaying in her mind. She read on, reading about Paladins and Shades and their roles in the world. When she finally left the hospital she acted normal with her parents; them extra affectionate and protective since the accident. Finally getting them to loosen the reigns and allow her to go out on her own once more. She went out in search for more answers to what she was and what was happening. It took her a year before she found what she was looking for. She found a Paladin run bar, the owner seeing the desire for more knowledge and the fear of what she truly was in her eyes. He knew he had to help her. During that time the man trained her, explained the finer details of what she was and how she could atone for her past lives. He trained her how to subdue Shades, teaching her that killing them would only give them a faster reincarnation. He taught her vital nerves through out the body that a precisely shot rubber bullet could incapacitate a shade long enough to be detained. Knowing the sins of her past were too great for the minimal acts she was doing. When she turned eighteen she moved out of her parents house and moved to Fairlake, hearing that it was a cesspool of shades and evil. That is where she will atone for her sins and finally be free of her cycle of torment. [b]Brief history of previous life/lives:[/b] [url=http://i1280.photobucket.com/albums/a493/RandomPhotoPlace/Girls/Real/Real002/tumblr_mg25gpfpq21r2hknao1_1280_zps0c8cc96f.jpg]Elizabeth Walters[/url] - The first life of Hannah's. Elizabeth was the young heiress of a wealthy company. Back in a time when women had little rights she was arranged to marry a man in an attempt to merge the two companies the families owned. She hated the man, mainly because she was secretly homosexual. A secret she had told her father and he retaliated with the forced marriage, stating that she would be forced to learn to love a man as she should. Though she hated her husband it wasn't because he was a man. She hated him because he was a vile pig of a human. His favorite pass time was beating and raping Elizabeth whenever he pleased. Several years later she became fed up. One night while he slept she took a knife and buried it into his skull. This alone might not have been the reason for her reincarnation, for it was simply defense from getting raped and beaten again. Though what came next surely was the reason. After her dear husband was dead she went about the large estate. Going into the rooms of the staff and slitting their throats in their sleep. Slitting their wind pipes before they could scream and alert the rest of the house. Room by room she sprayed blood over her lovely white night gown with a bright, wicked smile; red dripping from her chin. They would pay. They would all pay for ignoring her screams for help. They would choke on their blood like she choked on her tears. She was found a few days later, a rotten scent causing alarm in the neighborhood. She was rotting in the livingroom, having slit her wrist after taking care of the rest of the house. [url=http://i1280.photobucket.com/albums/a493/RandomPhotoPlace/5034_01_zps15680cf2.jpg]Naveed Jasvin[/url] - An Israeli radicalist that was taken in at a young age. Taught to kill without remorse to those who refuted their vision. Naveed was devout to the cause and had killed more people than he could remember. Though Hannah to this day can remember most of their lifeless faces. Naveed died from a chemical fire mishap. [url=http://i1280.photobucket.com/albums/a493/RandomPhotoPlace/Girls/Real/201804c9f8169e1e16b850abb17b9a28_zpsad1e55b5.jpg]Jasmine Colson[/url] - A prostitute by trade, murderous thieve by choice. She had a rough life, drug addicted parents left little choices for Jasmine as she never had a formal education. When she was sixteen she became a prostitute to get the money to live on her own; a small motel that didn't care that she was only a young girl on her own. Not long she began to think of her clients as nothing more than disgusting creatures that didn't deserve the air that filled their lungs. Having been beaten and abused too many times during her "business". She began to lead unsuspecting men into random motels around the city. She would sway her beautiful body until they were entranced. And before they knew it a knife hidden in her stockings was plunged into their chest. She would take the money in their wallets and leave the corpse. It wasn't long before the police caught her, she wasn't exactly a trained assassin who knew how to not leave a trail. She was raped and murdered while in prison. [url=http://i1280.photobucket.com/albums/a493/RandomPhotoPlace/facebook_302856403jpg_zps423a05cd.jpg]James Juarez[/url] - James was a gang banger low life. He grew up to an abusive father and an emotionally absent mother. To get out of that house he only had one choice where he lived; Gangs. He joined a gang at the age of fourteen, killing some random guy at a bus station to prove his loyalty. He spent his life killing other gang members, people who looked at him wrong, selling drugs, and the like. He was killed by a drive by while drunk on his door step.