As Hapalo's ring started to relay the message to him he sighed to himself and wondered why he would receive the message of all people. But hey it would be one of his first excursions in a few weeks so there was always looking forward to that. He breathed in deeply once more before activating his ring and coating himself in energy so he could fly to the central battery. "Let's see what I can do...good thing I charged this thing not to long ago so hopefully it doesn't burn out. Whatever we're supposed to meet at the central battery anyways so I'll make sure it's fully charged before I leave." He said as he launched himself off of the ground passing a couple of lanterns whom were coming back to charge their rings and prepared himself for the usual trek towards the sector. "Well hopefully there are a good number of lanterns there...I'm still not completely sure about what I'm doing but damn me if I don't try." He told himself as he headed towards the central battery.