[b]Katie - Haywood - Rob[/b] Katie peered at the man through her tears. "Nothing is okay," she told him. "They took Bull away. Lauren is still hurt. And my daddy... I don't know what happened to him. If he didn't go away like mommy did, then why isn't he here? I want him here," she said. "I want my daddy to cuddle me and say everything is good again." She wrapped her little arms around herself. "And now Emma is sad too. Everyone is sad or mad. I don't understand." She looked at towards the flowers again. "I want to pick flowers for Emma, to make her happy again. I don't want everyone to keep being sad and mad." Some guards went walking by and Katie scrambled behind Rob's leg to hide from their view. She didn't trust any person who had a gun. People with guns were bad. People with guns had taken her daddy away from her. But she would probably need a gun if she wanted to go and find her daddy... The guards passed by and Katie wondered absently where they got their guns from before looking back at the man. "Are you going to be mean like that other man? Because if you are I will hate you," she said, folding her arms. "But if you aren't, then I won't hate you."