As Steve followed the woman, he barelly payed attention. He woudn't care less about where everything is except for the gym, wich is where he would spent most of his time, harnishing his body to the max so that he atleast had the strenght to give a good punch to the enemies. As they came to the gym, a grin appeared on his face, this almost seemed like heaven for him! As he heared the schedule for how many times they would train and that they even had classes they had to follow he sighed... He tought he was done with school, but instead he had to follow classes here aswell... As the tour ended, he glanced at the statue, but didn't care less, except for that big X. [b]"Same question here, what's up with that X? Did he betray the DFF or something?"[/b] Steve looked at the commander, as another question popped into his head. [b]"And with the ranks, how will they be given? Are they given on performance? Or are they given because of something else?"[/b] This was something Steve was intrueged by, because if he could rank up fast, he wouldn't have to worry that much anymore if there would be any rookie joining the team.