[b] Three Months Later[/b] Softstep gazed at the expanse of water before. Tanking a deep breathe she relished the smell of the sea. As she stood on the deck of The Leviathan she found herself thinking back to that fateful day three months ago when she had met Crashing Wave. Then she had been a lowly slave filly now she captained an entire fleet. She had become a hardened privateer in the command of the God of the Sea. The tan earth mare let out a chuckle and looked at the rest of the Kraken’s Fleet. Over twenty ships composed the fleet with the Leviathan as its flagship. The Leviathan made good on its name. Her crew composed of well over a hundred ponies and even a few griffins. It dwarfed most ships it came across and had enough fire power to bring a whole fleet smoldering in its wake. In the distance she saw a group of ships. Their target was a group of Moon and Star’s frigates holding a cargo most precious, slaves. They moved to free any and all they could. Softstep took another deep breathe. Yes today was a good day to kill. “Master Glint with the wind,” Softstep said to the grey stallion beside her,” I smell a fight on the horizon.” “Aye captain,” he said as he turned the wheel. “All hooves lower main sails and be quick about it fore I send ta meet yer maker,” Softstep yelled. The crew obeyed and chuckled at the inside joke. She wouldn’t kill any of them but to their enemies she already had a reputation of being utterly ruthless. With the Leviathan at the lead the Kraken’s Fleet soared across the water. They approached the small fleet of Moon and Star ships with blinding speed. When they came into range one of the smaller vessels made to broadside the larger ship. It was a military frigate without the cargo they wished. “Run her down,” Softstep said. Glint nodded and turned the wheel. The Leviathan plowed into the vessel crushing it and sending its crew straight to the Maker herself. “Today’s a day for blood lads. Show ‘em the guns,” Softstep shouted and drew her cutlass. The Leviathan broadsided one of the merchant vessels and opened cannon fire on it. The rest of the fleet engaged the other vessels. Softstep went to the railing and grabbed a rope. She swung across the gap between the ships and landed on the deck of the other vessel. A unicorn came at her with a raised blade. She ducked under his strike and slid her blade across his throat. Another unicorn came at her. Not missing a beat she jumped to the right and plunged her blade into his side. She pulled her blade free and walked on a grim look in her eyes. Suddenly a funnel of water erupted from the sea and aimed itself straight for the middle of the ship’s deck. ‘Always late fer the fight,’ Softstep shook her head and chuckled. Crashing Wave stood up and shook the water from his body. He looked around at the shocked faces of the unicorns but the pirates just grinned. Crashing pulled his scimitars out with his cerulean magic and held them lazily at his sides. “This ‘ear a private scuffle or can anypony join?” He asked with a devil may care grin. The captain of the Moon and Stars ship shook his head raised his blade,” It’s one the false gods! For Celestia!” The unicorns rushed forward with renewed vigor. “Ah an open fight then good,” Crashing blocked a blade with one of his own and used the other to trip his opponent. The unicorns went down with a grunt. Crashing slid a blade into his gut and moved on. One of the pirates was pressed against the railing trying to drive back a pair of unicorns. Crashing sen t a torrent of water at the trio, sending the unicorns into the sea where they were set upon by sharks. “Thanks Cap,” the pirate spit out a gob of sea water. “No problem mate,” Crashing ducked under a pair of blades aimed at his head,” Aye that was close mate.” The unicorns glared and made another sweep at him. Crashing laughed and pulled them off the side of the ship with tentacle constructs of water. “You’ve got power I’ll admit that false god,” the ship’s captain sneered as he walked toward ,” But I see that’s all you rely on.” A lanky earth pony, still a colt in truth, rushed him but the unicorn captain twirled around the colt’s blind strike and slammed his blade’s hilt against the colt’s head. He went down with a grunt and without a second thought the captain ended his life with the swipe of his cutlass. “You’ve skill with a blade lad,” Crashing said as he regarded the other captain,” ‘Ow bout this. A straight up fight ta th’ death no magic?” “Like you would honor that scoundrel,” the captain spat. “First mate me canceller ring!” Crashing shouted, holding his hoof out. Softstep walked forward and placed a ring in Crashing’s outstretched hoof. The alicorn placed it on his horn and grabbed one on of his blades in his mouth before it hit the floor. Softstep grabbed Crashing’s other blade and moved back out of their way. “Thank ye lass,” Crashing said around his scimitar and looked at the unicorn captain,” Your move mate.” The unicorn lunged forward with a piercing strike. Crashing brought the blade up under the unicorn’s and swatted it to the side. Crashing twirled and one of his harpoons caught the unicorn across the cheek, opening a small cut. The alicorn ended his twirl with a half-hearted lunge and cut the unicron across the other cheek, opening a matching wound. “Looky there lad’ ‘es got whiskers,” Crashing laughed and the pirates joined him. The unicorn growled and made repeated strikes at Crashing. The alicorn blocked each but soon found himself up against the railing. Crashing jumped into the air just as the unicorn made a sweeping strike at him. Crashing dove down as the unicorn lost his balance and slammed into him. They went rolling and the Crashing pinned the unicorn. “Yield mate this dual’s over,” Crashing said as he pressed the blade against the unicorn's throat. “Bloody cheater,” the unicorn spat in Crashing’s face. Crashing’s expression darkened but his smirk stayed,” I said nothin’ about me wings lad but fer this here spittle in me eye well…”Crashing trailed off and slit the unicorn’s throat. Blood sprayed from the wound and formed puddle around him. Crashing wiped the spit form his eye and pulled the canceller ring off his horn. Softstep took the ring and hoofed Crashing his blade. “Thank ya lass,” he said as he took the blade and sheathed both. The remeaning unicorns had dropped their blades and surrendered,” Alright to those of ye who want to live ye have two options. Either join me crew of sea fairn’ scallwags or take a dip in me sea and make for th’ shore. If ye choose option two I will give me word on me honor that ye won’t be harmed.” Two unicorns jumped off the ship’s side and began swimming for shore. “To th’ rest of ya welcome to me crew. First mate I believe we’ve got slaves below deck. Rum’s on me tonight lads.” The pirates all raised their blades in a rousing cheer.