[b]Azor Throne Room Joseph the Magnificent II[/b] Joseph nodded to his son, Tim has he preeced to the war room, a huge map of the province layed out with the huge imprint of the new province "What's this, young cartographer? " asked Joseph, his hands now laying on the table "Sire, a new landmas has been found .. it holds great promise ... we should investigate at once!" exclaimed the young cartographer "Yes.. yes... very well , hm true,,, alright set up two small towns ... at the entrance of the cove.. yes and one at the end of the cove " Joseph drew two stars on the new landmass, to two docking locations " Order Micheal of Icesliver to get boats ready , with 500 Citzens on the boat, 150 of our farmers also with Roughly 1,000 Regualrs and 500 Recruits , once that is done we shall begin the colonization of the southern points" Joseph commanded "Also, while you are at it, get Duncan of Frostsworth to talk trade with Nunberg, Lydia , the Lance Empire and the new republic of Ostlandet , and The Empire of Corustaria tell them Azor shall trade with them " Joseph stated A few messangers nodded, has they hurried off to there respective tasks " At last, we must find a way to gain a edge on technology, tell Boris of Hollwocastle to begin researching more advances into weapons for the military, and tell Steven of Bullsworth to begin training more troops, lastly tell Duncan of Frostwoth to being building more ships... like those ships of the line "