Scroll lay floating in the back in the Baths, staring at the newly resorted roof. Though the alicorn Sliver made sure her High Priest was constantly clean, he still enjoyed relaxing in the water. Ivory Shores was largely a shanty town, even with the improvements since the arrival of their patron, the Lady of Cleanliness. Many of the homes were tents, huts, and old cabins of the resort. However, thanks to Sweeper, the plumbing was restored (among other utilities). The former resort had it's own large baths, which were largely empty until a few months ago. It was now frequented by every pony, a luxury many refugees and ex-slaves did not enjoy until now. The Scholar closed his eyes, and went back to the conversation a week ago… --- Scroll was nervous, sweating despite the cool air inside the Central Library. He stood in front of the Directors, the leaders of the Scholarship. Located in Manehatten, the facility it was the only place that all the directors could meet safely without worrying about any particular pony type. "A good report, my young student" said Director Green Sandwhich. The elderly unicorn was the de facto leader of the order, once a part of the faculty of Canterlot University. "It seems that the Lady Sweeper is making progress in her mission." Scroll bowed briefly as thanks. "Yes, she's been almost every corner of mainland Equestria, having visited spots in every of the major powers, save for the Changelings." He would know best, as Scroll went with the Alicorn everywhere. Rapid flight was not a natural experience for an Earth Pony. The Scholar held on to dear life, speeding in the air on the naked back of an alicorn. Not that being on the ground was any safer. Granted, Sweeper did protect him, but there was plenty of close calls. Of the various times, he was almost became lunchmeat for some timberwolves, skewered by a Laughing Cultist, almost dissected by cultist of a different obscure sect, chased by a mad mare, and almost got mugged. All in the same week to boot. "Her visits has gathered her followers every place she goes," continued Scroll. "How many?" "Depends. Most of the time it's a few, sometimes one. But sometimes a whole village. But they're too spread out to have any real influence anywhere." "Yes, I've heard of a new cult of bald ponies, doing what they can by cleaning up the trash and gutters in the city. Despite the seeming impossibility, they've done plenty of good work. The Lady does amazing things." "Most definitely," said Director Iron Spoke, a middle aged earth pony and dean of the Dodge Junction Technical College. Despite his upbringing with farmers, Spoke was rather eloquent. "By Celestia, I couldn't believe my eyes when she restored the Junction Cache! The Lady has but to view something, and in moments she can rebuild it anew! Parchment re-grown, bindings resown, writing re-appearing where it was previously illegible!" The Directors had all seen Sweeper at work. It was only three months ago, just after Scroll's first breakfast with the alicorn that he took her to the major caches of the Scholars. His peers labored to preserve knowledge before the arrival of a dark age. Sweeper did what the Scholars thought would take a generation to accomplish. Using her magic, Sweeper restored the knowledge that she could save. For she could not recover it all - mostly the fragments of ashen tomes - and still required materials as she could not create matter from thin air. But what took Scroll a month to copy (let alone decipher what was readable), the alicorn took minutes. With the Knowledge Caches restored, Sweeper also improved the Vaults - prepared secrect areas that were to protect the restored works. The mages of the Scholars were taught spells to maintain a steady climate and to help in preservation. Awe by the accomplishment, the Scholars swore allegiance to Sliver Sweeper, swearing to aid her mission to restore Equestria to it's former beauty. They went from going on the defensive, and became proactive. Granted, they were not 100% with the alicorn, including Scroll. Her unusual habits and bald head were not endearing traits. At least Equestria would not be without the light of knowledge. "Yes," said Green. "But our project still needs to be protected. Do you remember Professor Sweet?" "Ph.D. in Musicology, keeper of the Golden Pines Cache," said Scroll. She was also a friend, keeping in touch when Dancer took the mail. "She just came back from investigating Greenfields Library… sad to say that she found it in ashes after an Inquisition raid about a month ago." Scroll face sadden at the news. It was one of their major branches and connections to the Moon and Stars. "There were three survivors… out of the twenty personnel. Ten of which were full members of the Scholarship. And none of them survived." "Worse, they were unable to save any of their lives' work," Spoke continued. It was not a selfish remark - all the order including Scroll would give their lives to protect the Vaults. The total loss only made their efforts seem in vain. "Which means we will need some way of better protecting the Project." "Which brings us to our next concern," said Green. "Some of our order have went missing investigating…." --- Scroll opened his eyes, hearing the giggling of mares to his left. He smiled, for another of the joys of the Baths were the ladies attending the place. Scroll was not a pervert - he simply liked beautiful sights. He turned his head, but soon frowned. For the mares were engaged in shaving their manes, looking into the mirrors as they helped one another. One was laughing at her now denuded scalp, a bit embarrassed if the blushing was any indication. Her friends were busy, one taking a safety razor to the lathered scalp of another. The Scholar sighed. Several of the ponies had decided to imitate their new patron. While many ponies did not follow the trend, mane shaving was common enough that it wasn't unusual to see a bald pony. And that offended Scroll. "Bad enough to deal with an eccentric alicorn, but Sweeper had to be bald as well!", muttered Scroll. "A pony's mane is her life."