Going to just post what I have so far for now, even though it's not finished. ^^; Backstories are always the most difficult part to write. • Name: Noriko Murasaki • Age: 19 • Appearance: [url=http://i.imgur.com/cGlfllQ.jpg]Rough sketch![/url] Black hair, blue eyes and a purple jacket. • Ranger color: Violet (well, purple, but violet sounds better) • Weapon: Cannon/Bazooka • Personality: Boisterous, funloving and very friendly, Noriko tries her best to act like a big sister to others (even those that are older than her), hoping that her confidence will rub off onto them. And she has a lot to rub off; no matter what the situation or how dire things may be, she will always remain convinced that she will come out on top eventually. This isn't arrogance, though, it's more that she just refuses to give up no matter what. If anything, her most notable character trait is her sheer, pigheaded stubborness. Noriko wears her heart on her sleeve and is very protective of those she cares about. She can be a bit of a tease, though, especially to her best friends, but it's all in good fun. • Bio: Noriko is a relatively new employee of Zerplus, working part time as a security guard to help pay for her college bills. (WIP)