Britnia blanched when the elf started ticking off what seemed like random facts about her people, barely taking time for a breath, let alone a response. She started hovering a few inches off the ground unconciously, glancing around nervously. "I-I came to meet new people and learn magic," She said, not taking the offered seat. "M-maybe I should go introduce myself to the other's?" She started to float backwards, back towards the main group. ------ Lawrance smiled warmly at Rosewoode as he put a hand over hers, glancing up briefly before looking back over the room. "I have high hopes for this group," He said, keeping his hand over her's as she sat down next to him. "They have much potential." He tightened his hold on her hand briefly before returning it to the table in front of him, a thoughtful expression on his face. "I wonder if it will be enough?"