Jonas nodded and sighed a little, saying, "Yes, that would be very good. Must get to know the people you will be sharing knowledge with." The elf boy would then turn his gaze away from the Feytouched Britnia, thinking to himself. In his cognition, he cursed himself over and over. Jonas had frightened the girl, and made her run off. It was different here than the temple monastery, where the members of the order would welcome such conversation with open embrace. Would he be forced to lessen the intelligent speech when he addressed the people here? Jonas just might have to. Jonas set his head into his hand and would continue thinking to himself. And the more he thought, the more he spun himself into a spiral of melancholy. A trait of an erudite is to get so deep into thought that he becomes detached from the physical world, wandering inside of his own mind. Jonas was not an exception to this. The most difficult part is to judge the time while you're out. It could take a single second to process innumerable thoughts, or innumerable seconds to process a single thought. Jonas just sat there, resting his head on his arm in a thinking position, doing nothing else but thinking. He even forgot to blink or breathe a few times.