[b]Kwedolobhakalle, United Vanjanan Empire. (One month ago)[/b] Sigfrid Halvar was not one you would expect to be leader of the richest known nation on the planet. He busied himself with things such as mathematics and the sciences, the closest thing to kingly he studied was military tactics, and then for enjoyment. He didn't think he would ever have to fight anyone, just pay them off. However, that area of study wouldn't ever make him appear like a king to anyone outside of Vanjana, the cultures were simply too different. Sitting upon the Jade Throne (which he had personally modified to include a much-needed cushion), he felt like nothing more than a figurehead, with the Representative House doing everything important. All he did was say yes or no, and sometimes suggest something to them. In fact, some of the richer individuals in Vanjana had more power than he did. While he didn't see himself as power hungry, everyone knew that he loved power. It was unlikely that he would kill for it, but if he could get it without harming anyone too far down the cultural totem pole he would jump on the opportunity. His throne room was a sight to behold, while not as large as others, it had been known to intimidate diplomats purely as a result of how expensive it must have been to build. The throne was solid Jade, with a purple cushion made using the most expensive feathers despite them having no actual affect on how comfortable it was. The walls were decorated with various commissioned paintings and the Vanjanan flag was displayed above his throne. The entire ceiling was one huge mural, depicting the port of Kwedolobhakalle bustling with activity. It was painted using the most expensive materials on the market, again just to show off the great wealth of Vanjana. There was a red carpet leading up to the throne, embedded in the marble floor. The edges of it were covered in pure gold, which was cleaned daily to prevent it being anything but perfectly clean. At the very end of the room were the doors, two huge slabs of jade clad in two thick gold stripes that left a strip of jade visible in the middle. Those doors opened slowly- being cracked open by a team of men standing by purely for that reason-to reveal a man wearing ornate robes that identified him as a member of the Exploration Guild. He was carrying a scroll with him, its contents hidden. "Why have you come to me, good sir?" Asked Sigfrid, getting up out of the throne and walking towards the man. "My Jade, our explorers have made a great breakthrough! While attempting to find a shorter sea trade route with Lydiah, my exploration fleet stumbled upon an unknown continent. We immediately returned, and began to search for other groups that had found it as well. I managed to acquire a full map of this 'New World', and it is just as large as Edoniras! I have taken the liberty of searching the map for habitable colony sites, and I have found many in an inland bay that is directly in the center of the continent. It is in the perfect location to trade with natives-if there are any-and other colonies. I have come to report this and ask for permission to form a colonization fleet." Sigfrid's eyes lit up at the thought of a new continent, and he snatched the scroll right out of the man's hands. He unrolled it, revealing a map of the new world. "Prepare a colonization force! I want it launched as soon as possible, just uproot the filthiest towns near the port cities. They'll be happy to leave." He scrawled a quick decree onto the map scroll, giving the explorer permission from the Jade to recruit colonists. "I shall prepare the navy." He hurried out of the room, his royal robes flapping in the air behind him as he nearly ran through the doorway. [b]Kwedolobhakalle Port, Present Day[/b] Citizens of the capital waved at the leaving colonists, knowing that they could face untold dangers in the new world. However, that was simply at the back of everyone's minds. What was at the front was the fact that those colonists would be the first Vanjanans to venture forth into the New World. Sigfrid stood on the docks, honoring the colonists with a traditional Vanjanan salute; the left hand held at chest height with the palm facing up, and the first two fingers on the right hand (barring the thumb) extended in a salute reminiscent of those used by other nations. The Navy and Army bands played the [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch/?v=aRzks4V-gT4]Vanjanan Imperial March[/url], but over their noise came the voice of Jade Sigfrid Halvar, screaming at the top of his lungs to project his voice sufficiently. "Today, we begin a new age for the great nation of Vanjana! The age of colonization! May the brave few on these departing vessels be immortalized through their actions from this day forward, blazing the trail for the colonists to follow! FOR VANJANA!" "FOR VANJANA! FOR THE JADE!" The ships dropped their sails and turned in the direction of the wind, carrying them on towards the new continent. Colony fleet: 900 Colonists 1,500 Soldiers, all Regulars One Frigate Two Barques Three Brigs Twenty Cows, fifteen Pigs, ten Chickens, ploughs, fifty horses, a years supply of food (Rationed, preserved) Axes, farming equipment, seeds for various fruit and vegetables, Fryas, Cloth, essentials, personal belongings, tents for temporary accommodation. Five large Vanjanan flags. One reproduced portrait of Jade Sigfrid Halvar. Multiple bars of gold for trading. Course: [img=http://i.imgur.com/RbXNvBX.png]