[center][b]♥♦♣♠ — WARG Ceremony — ♠♣♦♥[/b][/center] When Roy feels guilty, it's never because he hurt someone or that he did something wrong in the first place—this excluding doing his friends wrong, most of the time—it's mostly due to the fact that he'd been caught in the first place. Teachers kept drilling the, 'Do you see the consequences your actions have?' thing into him and the only consequences they were pointing to was that getting caught equaled getting punished. Roy blanked out at, 'You're hurting people,' or, 'You throw people under the bus for your enjoyment.' Which was the exact reason for the blank face he couldn't suppress at Freddy's rambling. Roy knew perfectly well that there was something off about how he thought, to the point that he may not be perfectly sane; that was the fun in it. Sociopaths were bland, psychos were too much to handle, and average people were invisible. Roy lay in the middle of all that, with a flurry of flaws that made him who he was. He had tendencies, but he was never the real deal. Moral obligations and societal standards weren't a foreign thing to him, he just chose not to adhere to them most of the time. No one knew better than him that he thought some of the things he did were morally wrong. He was selfish and rude; he was careless to the point where others suffered from it; he saw people as tools for him to use and sheep to herd; if he wanted something he went to whatever lengths to get it. And his excuse? Roy knew none of it mattered in the long run. Whether he helped someone or not, fate would simply repay them in kind: bring pain where love was given or give love where pain was wrought. It was meaningless, all of it was meaningless. Call him a pessimist, a skeptic, jaded, whatever, but everyone lived and everyone died. His sister lived not for a fraction of time. His sister died and would be dead until the universe faded away. But, Roy was too active to sit and wait for things to end and wanted too much to let it all fade away without a bang. None of his actions were genuine, whether they seemed malicious or benevolent. He did what he did to do them and to gain a weird satisfaction from having done them. That's what kept Roy moving: the satisfaction and enjoyment. Because what mattered less than an individual's joy in something? So, when they were finally lined up in the office, in front of the most powerful people on campus, the only thing running through Roy's mind was what he'd done wrong enough to warrant this. What heinous prank or swindle had he pulled to get every one of his friends gathered into a room with the big shots, the people who ran the Academy itself. The relief that he'd suspected wrong only ever washed over him when he stepped out. Authority figures and Roy would never mix, not in a million years and definitely not if he'd become one himself. As the officials talked, mainly just Cid, Roy's stare drifted ever so slowly to the side, just to gauge his friend's reactions—mostly to see if they were surprised that Roy hadn't been called up just to get called out on something stupid he'd done while drunk. He was still intently listening just to see if Cid would look at him, tell him he was there for a different reason, and that reason being that he was in deep dog... feces. But, when Cid got to him with the WARG badge, the man intently stared at him, waiting for him to grab his own and silently reprimanding him for not being in uniform, like he'd been given enough time to do so. Well, technically he had. Of course, he was the only one to have his outfit scrutinized, despite the fact that Thael was practically the only one formally dressed for the occasion. Though, Roy took it gingerly, smiled sheepishly at Cid, and looked himself over. He frowned at his split second dress up, his shirt was a tad too big and his pants had visible stains he couldn't quite identify. At least, it didn't smell terrible. [center][b] ♥♦♣♠ — Afterwards — ♠♣♦♥[/b][/center] It seemed very keenly that everyone poked fun at Freddy's harmless crush. It also seemed like everyone but the object of Freddy's affections knew, as well. Why people pined after other people who were taken or simply out of their reach was beyond Roy, but he could see why the particular person had been Thael: he was a catch and who better to have caught him than Roy. Though, Roy was, like anyone else, a hypocrite. But, honestly, Roy was probably not the first person on people's minds when they thought of Thael's significant other. Hell, he'd not thought of it either, but it happened. Something like that, where the douchebag got the boy next door and the nice guy, however loud and obnoxious he was, was left on the sidelines to pine and admire, never ended well in a lot of situations—movie situations, mostly. Hopefully, Freddy was a good enough sport not to be as devious and manipulative as he could be. Roy was positive that if he'd been in Freddy's situation, he'd have done anything in his power just to get into Thael's pants, not because he relished in people's pain or suffering, but because Thael was a catch that he wanted. Who got hurt in the process wasn't any of his business. However, Freddy wasn't at all like him and it was painfully obvious in the way that he cared about everyone, even Roy, the guy who kinda came out of the left field to steal Thael away. So, he kept the taunting and joking to as much of a minimum for him as he could. When Aaron and Kat jabbed at Freddy, he simply smiled, gave the guy a pat on the back and said, "I'll look into a therapist, for you... I guess. But, it'll have to wait until we get some respite, bud." Afterwards, Roy turned to Thael, knowing full well what was currently running through his mind. The moment they'd announced who would lead and command the team, Roy had snapped his head toward Olivia and then Thael to see the literal glow from his face vanish in that instant. He was certainly not one for PDA, but Roy did his best to get over the social awkwardness it entailed. He wrapped his arms around the big lug, knowing full well he was currently at a disadvantage height wise. Moments like these called for being a silent confidant, his head resting against Thael's back, smelling the freshness of Thael's uniform mixed in with his natural scent. Roy closed his eyes and tightened his hold, bunching some of the fabric in his hands as he breathed into him. "Let's grab some ice cream, Goldie" he mumbled loud enough for Thael to hear him, "We have enough time; I'll go get dressed. We'll meet in the front gate?"