Name: Tobias "Tobe" Dooley Gender: Male Age: 22 Alignment: Shade Appearance: Tobe is a Caucasian male, a little bit on the short side at 5'6" with a faint reddish birthmark around his neck. Brown hair, brown eyes, nothing unremarkable in his build. His hairstyle is outdated, a 90s flop cut, combined with his delicate facial features he just looks a little bit ridiculous. He tries to dress nicely to compensate, but doesn't have much fashion sense. Overall, he's a type of guy who just seems pathetic and silly. Personality: Outwardly, Tobe seems like a polite but awkward person, nice and accommodating to the point that his acquaintances consider him to be a complete doormat. Internally, however, he is extremely bitter and filled with loathing. Tobe's fondest wish, after so many years of being pushed around, is to be a respected somebody. If that respect is born of fear, so be it. Power: Like most shades, Tobe is in peak human condition in virtually all areas. He can easily run a four-minute mile, tear a phone book in half, or stay up for days on end. Weapons: Tobe frequently carries a [url=*FW19KpWgjzI1tQozzisTM/_MG_9247.JPG?width=737&height=491]Sharpfinger knife[/url]. History: Born and raised in Fairlake, Tobe was an unremarkable child, with unexceptional grades in school and very few friends. People he knew regularly mocked him when he wasn't around, and occasionally when he was. Though he displayed some athletic talent, he never bothered to pursue it, instead caving to his father's insistence on going to community college and becoming a data-entry technician. Throughout his life, though, he has had dreams and odd random bits of memory. A violent war, brutal atrocities, a death by hanging. They seemed too consistent to be random, and in high school he began to seriously consider the possibility he may have been reincarnated. Adopting the subject as a sort of hobby and doing research in his spare time, he eventually learned of the existence of the Drunken Dragon, rumored to be a place where reincarnates gathered. Tobe ventured there a few times, and in doing so learned the order of things from some of the other patrons. However, Tobe rejected the idea of becoming a paladin and declined to return to the bar. To him, a life of selflessness seemed pointless and unrewarding- being a nice guy hadn't gotten him anywhere. Besides, what was the point of being reincarnated unless you were meant to repeat the same stuff? Tobe didn't see one, and is now trying to figure out exactly how to make himself a somebody. Brief history of previous life:Tobe, in his previous life, was one Leon Timbo, a captain in the RUF during the Sierra Leone Civil War. Timbo was responsible for various atrocities- the use of slave laborers in RUF diamond mines, hacking the limbs from civilians, brainwashing and drugging children to be used as soldiers. Eventually, Timbo was cut off from his unit in an attack and stumbled into the hands of government troops, who gave him a show trial in a kangaroo court and then hanged him from the nearest tree. He was unmourned. The day of his death- June 12, 1992- is the day of Tobe's birth.