[b][center]Here Cometh the Wolves[/center][/b] Her first mission with the Queen's Blades was filled with new experiences. Not only was it Esyllt's first time in the kingdom of Tuleria, it was also the first time she laid eyes upon lizardmen. Their scaly skins, their snouts and strange feet. They were just as their name prescribed; a mix of lizard and man. Esyllt could not help but stare in awe at the creatures, impolite as she knew she was. Esyllt would quickly look away whenever any of them noticed. It had been her first time to travel by ship as well, which had made the trip all the more fantastical. Traversing the water, having the ship rock underneath her feet (as well as her first time experiencing seasickness) and seeing the coast shrink as they drifted from it, and another grow as they approached it, it was as if they traveled through a world of yonder. Tuleria made that very same impression, and in her entire life, Esyllt had never felt this small before. It was exciting and frightening at the same time. The kingdom of Tuleria was a whole new world... From the port to the inner city, Port Luclin was riddled with stalls and merchandise. Esyllt found it hard to keep up with the rest of her team, but disciplined herself to ignore all of the city's distractions. The weather in Tuleria was warmer than even the hottest summers in Edmundal. Esyllt quickly found herself sweating and her skin tingling from the heat, but was hesitant to button down like the locals seemed to. Their climate reflected in their choice of clothing, they bared skin and scale in places that made the Edmundal girl blush. Women walked around with exposed legs midriffs and backs, whereas many men, especially the working class, had their chests in display. Their clothing was loose and appeared to be woven out of thin fabric. Esyllt on the other hand, wore a military-style outfit, which consisted out of multiple layers. It wouldn't be until they would meet Janelle that Esyllt would even adjust her collar. In a land of small estate-lords, appearance was crucial to negotiations. Once inside of the official's office, Esyllt could feel her heart pounding. She had to take a moment to catch her breath and mute the feelings all these consecutive new experiences had running through her entire body. Combined with the weather and her outfit, it was quite taxing. Nonetheless, she followed Saul when Janelle asked for their introductions, “I am Esyllt Boudica, knight of Edmundal, commissioned in the name of the queens of Renalta. At your service.” She introduced herself with a light bow, but kept her eyes on the creature next to Janelle. The beast had a beak, Esyllt noticed, but this creature's body was more akin that of a panther than a bird's. It had similarities to a griffin, even if Esyllt herself had never seen one. Perhaps she kept her eyes on the beast a little too long, as if trying to figure something out, but even Esyllt did not know at the time what prickled her curiousity towards Janelle's pet. “Please excuse my colleague for his manners,” She referred to Saul, who clearly attached less value to proper introductions than the young knight did. She was nowhere near as graceful in her rhetorics as her teachers would have her be and it was clear that her efforts were hindered by her travels. Esyllt could not have gotten used to the climate in the hours she'd spent in Port Luclin, and so her breath was deep and her bowing tense. Regardless, she tried, doing her best not to let her gaze wander to Janelle's pet, or the lizardmen in the room. “However, his assertiveness is a virtue. To begin, we would like to confirm the information we've received from your messenger, if you please.” Esyllt stated before the triad, “Namely, as my colleague stated, the identities of the victims, but also the suspected method and nature of the crime.”