Kenneth had spent a couple of days in the town, recovering from the near death experience that had separated him from his party. He'd had some close calls before, yes, but never quite as severe as that, where he knew with no degree of uncertainty that he would've died had he not met with Morthos Sarzan, a fellow adventurer facing similar problems. Banding their powers together was enough to get them through the ordeal and into a safe haven, but only just barely, and so they'd elected to spend at least two days recovering. The populace, much like most other towns', found use for a healer even if they didn't share his faith and so Kenneth had managed to somewhat ingratiate himself with the locals during his stay. Presently, he had just finished mending a sprained ankle in one of the village's houses and was headed towards the tavern where he and Morthos were staying when he saw a figure standing in the middle of the road, a strange-looking young woman who seemed extremely lost. "Oh, are you lost, do you need any help, lady?" he called as he approached, his hood down and his best smile on his face to make sure he wasn't mistaken for a creeper or a bandit or something.