[img]http://i.imgur.com/ylO8F8C.png[/img] [b]Aliquam: The Tailor’s[/b] [i]"Perhaps Aria could join as well. She did say she liked drinks, didn't she?"[/i] Moira didn't immediately respond - choosing instead to look over to where Aria was stood. With Xan, of course. She was always with either her or Lute, huh. "Yep," she grinned. "She's definately coming with," she smirked, "whether she likes it or not." She soon had to leave Amy, however. She could feel her bond pulling at her, and sure enough it looked like Syed's little group was heading to the accessories. And he couldn't exactly reach it with her where she was. "Pah, goddamn curse" she huffed, heading off towards them. She had no interest in really joining their silly discussion, whatever it was, but he seemed to be having fun and she couldn't really bring herself to shit on that right now. She was rewarded by Syed giving her a quick, grateful nod. [img]http://i.imgur.com/AXy5Xzf.png[/img] "Go with whatever you like, Lute. You're lucky you [i]can[/i] style your hair," he smiled. He pulled his own hair back, only for it to stubbornly bounce right back up into it's stubborn somewhat wild waves again. "Mine's got too much static in it. Once Don tried to fix it, I ended up with a whole pot of gel on my head." On Trixie's suggestion, he too began to dig around in the masks. He felt a bit silly, really, but hell. He'd been dressed up more stupidly than this before. In fact, he may as well go the full distance with it. He picked up a gold coloured mask with what looked like half a bird's worth of feathers glued around the edges. Except when he caught sight of himself he just burst out laughing. "Do you think this is subtle enough for undercover?" he chuckled. Oh, he looked silly as anything. "Lucien, try this one." In the end he went for something much simpler, grabbing a nearby tophat to go with it. Sure, the tophat didn't match the colour of the rest of the outfit, but he didn't really care. This wasn't serious anyway. "Right, are we ready for the mission?" he asked, trying to sound serious but failing to suppress his chuckling. "Infiltrating the biggest party in town!" He winked at Dalia. Moira looked on with an expression of mild disinterest on her face. "Ey, you put one of those things anywhere near me and you're gettin' a knuckle sandwich." She instead caught sight of Dylan, a smile just nudging the edges of her mouth. Well. At least he had perked up.