The Frontier and the Wasteland that was on its boarder it had changed over the last three months in a subtle but very important way; it was raining regularly. Even back when Equestria was united under the Princesses of the Sun and the Moon, getting regularly rainfall from the weather teams was somewhat of a pipe dream due to the distance from the weather factories and even then only the bigger, more wealthy towns and farms would be able to afford the service. Once the Houses were formed and the war began, the complete loss of the weather teams and their factories to House Stormwing was felt. And yet... three months ago, clouds started to appear in the sky every few days above the dusty lands below and drenched the land with the life giving substance of water. It wasn't that heavily regulated and limited stuff either that the few non military Pegasus occasionally sprinkled on farms to keep the crops alive either, this was the real deal. Farms, small towns, cities and even empty land received a healthy dosage of rain. The Changeling dominated Wastelands also benefited from the rains, since their run off poured down the mountains and bathed sections of the formerly barren ground. Everywhere the rains touched, life seemed to quickly follow; Green shoots and small plants had sprung up all over the Frontier and the parts of the Wasteland close to the mountains, a contrast to the reds and browns of the soil around them. No one seemed to know where the rains were coming from or why... there were plenty of theories however. The leading theory (once it was confirmed to be truthful by Applejack herself) belonged to Toffee Apple, one of the farmers of the Apple clan. During one of the heavier rains, Toffee was just finishing up preparing his home for the coming night when he noticed a pony walking by his farm. Despite wearing a large coat and a wide brimmed hat the traveling pony seemed to be soaked to the bone. Being the kindly stallion he was and with a gut feeling that he knew this pony this traveler from somewhere, Toffee went and offered the strange stallion shelter for the night and a warm meal. The stranger happily accepted the kind offer, following Toffee back to his house and stopping just within the door so he could hang up his hat and coat while Toffee went to check on dinner. When the farmer returned to check on his new found guest, Toffee discovered that his guest processed both wings and a horn once the traveler had removed and hung up his coat and hat. Unsure of how to deal with the situation and still feeling as if he had once met and been on good terms with the stallion in the past, Toffee introduced himself properly simply continued on with his original plan of treating the traveler as a welcomed guest. The alicorn (After introducing himself as Torrential Waters) would go on to be a polite and respectful guest, even going so far as to offer to help clean up the dinner dishes. The two also spent some time discussing recent events until, with a smile on his face, Torrential thanked Toffee for his kindness and offered him a gift. With a flash of light, Toffee blacked out. When he woke up, Toffee found himself safely tucked away in his bed feeling quite refreshed. Torrential was nowhere to be seen and Toffee would have simply dismissed the whole thing as a strange dream if it wasn't for the fact that when he went to pour himself a drink of water he started to mutter words in a tongue not his own as if he knew them off by heart despite not understanding them. The water in his cup seemed to glow for a moment before dimming down again and when he tasted it Toffee found it to be the purest drink of water he had ever had in his life. ............................................................................... Torrential had traveled far in the months following his arrival on the mortal plane, but as his hooves pounded away at the muddy earth beneath him his face turned to a somewhat neutral expression as he gazed towards his intended destination. The capital of the so called 'Earthborn' stood on the horizon... and the place that he was making his way towards at a relaxed but steady pace. From what he had picked up from conversations with the farmers he had been given the pleasure of meeting there was one of there number in this city that had lost her way and he had full intention of bringing her back to her roots.