[quote=Krinos Solstice] You sound so much like me when I was younger. I've been told this many times before by many different people, 'when the right person comes along, and it's the right time, you'll know for sure.' I took that from my grandmother, because she always said it the best. And I happen to agree, when the right person enters your life, you'll know instantly your happiness has arrived. As for the whole ex's thing, I also have a few stories that aren't exactly pleasant, and kept me on the negative track with thinking. So, just don't expect it, and it'll happen. [/quote] Mehh.. it's not just ex issues. It's my living situation and the fact my favorite family member out of the few family I have left, got diagnosed with colon cancer and so I had to pump the breaks on my plans to move out of state to escape my ruthless father, and stay back here in Cali to help her out and look after her. Among other things, but I don't wanna spew my guts on Guild...ain't someplace to put a bunch of personal shiiiiiiiiit..