[b]Sarah's Request[/b] Naream had his eyes closed, just listening and taking deep breaths of his old home, for almost a hundred and fifty years he had been on the surface following his master and then got stuck in a infernal pocket-plane dimension, granted he managed to learn quite a few of his former master's secrets there and some of his plans which opened his own eyes to the possibilities open to him. All he needed was a certain tome, a tome which was rightfully his and yet was stolen from him after he had saved that blue haired queen! So upon his release from the pocket-plane he had wandered the world, travelling in the direction of Renalta to reclaim what was his, only to be refused, ignored even! They had stolen from him and refused to give it back! The only reason why he hadn't blasted death magicks around in righteous fury was that they offered him a deal, join the Queen's Blades and perform a number of tasks and then it would be returned to him, well that persuaded him, the number of armed royal guard and other powerful individuals... and a promise to a certain green haired Fox. He opened his eyes and looked around, he was home now, well not his real home but being in the Underdark after so long, felt good, a homecoming of sorts. He smiled softly, surprised at the nostalgia he felt and the comfort he felt by being around other Drow once more. He sighed wistfully, yes he had missed that feeling of checking over his shoulder all the time for a dagger about to be thrust in his back, making sure his food wasn't poisoned and no 'unfortunate and yet sadly fatal accidents' would happen to him. Sarah Darkhammer's voice brought him out of his reverie and he listened, frowning. He and his master had a brief encounter with the undead woman, as he recalled Harrad had been quite infatuated with her, he did not see the appeal in her, he preferred his women alive. The human among them, holding his torch spoke up and Naream just rose his eyebrows, scoffing at his first words, 'have no fear'? Was this human foolish, fear keeps you and your senses sharp and alive, especially here in the Underdark. Was this human trying to woo her or think he was in some kind of theatrical play, because for some reason he had a feeling he should clap or something... that or throw rotten vegetables... and for some reason write a review. Even so he did ask a good question how the artifact looked like. "I think if she knew where it was inside she would have told us already.... I am more interested in what is known about the dangers." He narrowed his eyes and looked at Darkhammer accusingly, "And why she can't get it herself, which should speak for the dangers that lie within... or powerful wards." He hoped it was wards against a particular type of undead, in this case Sarah's kind and not regular because if that was the case most of his spells would be useless. He shrugged, "Even so, assuming we do find it, I suggest the spider worshiping bitch takes it, if it is a relic or artifact of a religious nature, let it be picked up by a servant of a dead religion with all the gods dead and buried." He said gesturing to the third Queen's blade, another Drow.