Zeto had been quiet the entire time they were riding out to a clear plane and awaiting pickup. She had a lot on her mind. She was in her mid twenties, made a captain at a young age. Her skill in the medical field as well as her gift of major upgrades to the medical sub routines to Quarian suits had elevated her to the status of the chief medical officer of the fleet. She was considered a genius, many honored to serve on a medical ship like her Iktomi. That ship... she had put so much work on it so she and her crew could help. She had been idealistic. A fool. And her foolishness has gotten her entire crew killed. They all were survived by families. Protocol dictated that as the highest surviving crew member, as captain, she had a duty to inform all the families of the deceased. They would hate her. Curse her for taking their sons and daughters into a deadly ambush. She couldn't even save one. The screams of anguish as they were mowed down were as fresh in her mind as the second she heard them. They would haunt her dreams for a while. She deserved such torment. Upon getting on the ship, Zeto was just silent. Even a sympathetic hand on her shoulder from Tali was not enough to get a reaction. The whole thing was settling in now that the fear of the Geth had drained out.