Varn was entering Oa’s atmosphere after his trip to his homeplanet when he received a message on his ring. “All Lanterns receiving this message report to Lantern Salaak outside of the Central Battery for an emergency situation in sector 1-8-6-1... All Lanterns receiving this mes…” “Ring, what’s this about?” Varn asked. A long, wizened face appeared out of Varn’s ring as he headed towards the Central Battery. “I am unable to comply at this time, sir,” replied the ring from its mustachioed avatar. Varn frowned. “No spoilers I guess.” Varn spied the four-armed Salaak near the Battery. Several other Green Lanterns were already gathered in the area. The Lantern from Rann found a spot next to a Lantern he didn’t know, who was wearing a white shirt. “Hey, I’m Varn Tharas from Rann. It’s in sector 2682,” the Rannian said to the green-eyed lantern, producing his hand in the traditional Rannian greeting. “You know what this is about? I guess it must be big if they’re calling in all these Lanterns from other sectors.”