[center][b][Cease Fire, Renaldo][/b][/center] Renaldo and his party were let through the Kulseruck gate. The guards looked upon with curiosity and suspicion at the entirety of the party, but much of the suspicion was directed at the ogre. During the trek to the city, they traversed a rugged mountain-range and proceeded to introduce themselves; the climb upwards was not too perilous for these experienced men (and one female) and the journey downwards was even easier. [i]"Name's Renaldo Ysattara,"[/i] his posture was straight as a lance except for the mace holstered on his back. [i]"I'll be your Cleric, but not your babysitter, for the duration of this mission."[/i] [i]"I believe there are some very anxious people in your church whom we would be delighted to speak to.”[/i] Sisera beckoned. [i]"The old gods of Rheinfeld will safeguard over them for in this time of need. Every moment we wait, is a moment lost towards negotiation. Take us there, at once, good sir."[/i] Renaldo added cautiously, knowing there are many out there who did not view the ancient deities as still-functioning. They followed Sisera past the wooden gate and towards the outskirts of Kulseruck, where upon Renaldo saw a church steeple in the distance. --- His hood hung onto his head precariously in the soft breeze and every so often, Renaldo pulled it downwards to conceal the horns protruding from his temple. Largely anxious to get the mission started, he pondered the circumstances that led up to him joining the Queen's Blades. It had been some time since Renaldo washed ashore near Rheinfeld and since then, he had been on a personal quest to uncover what demonic artifice plagued his physical & spiritual body. Renaldo grew more irrepressible by the day and was reluctant to share this with even the Queen's Blades. He fret not at this most grievous of "curses" enacted upon his soul, for he found some degree of solace in dusty tomes and the arcane; in them, solutions to questions Renaldo had not yet thought to ask. If assisting this decrepit-looking Sisera would somehow unite the Kingdom of Rheinfeld, Renaldo would not shirk his duty lightly. Peering into such mystical mysteries may provide answers to unification of the region which are beyond the grasp of politicians. Laying his eyes upon the derelict cathedral and small city, he felt the sense of urgency and sympathy. Renaldo wished for nothing more in this moment than to see it restored to its rightful glory, for the humans should not live as do the exiled gods - in divine squalor. ---- Renaldo's next action was clear, he would survey the surroundings and attempt to garner sympathy for the Queen's Blades mission by conversing with the locals. It seemed that the wary and reluctant-to-engage peasants were already aware of their presence. Renaldo muttered to himself [i]("What exactly are these people scared of? There must be reason for this anti-social sentiment.")[/i] [i]"It would not be wise for us to delay negotiations much longer. May I recommend that one of us assists and protects Sisera within the church, right now? The Sisera MUST remain safeguarded at all costs!"[/i] he posed the query to the other members. [i]"It would not be in our favor to miss out on the crucial preliminary stages of this cease fire... I shall attempt to gather intel. Anyone interested in such a course of action should head into this run-down town with me, but tread lightly. Who among us shall is most suited to protect the Queen's brother?"[/i] Crossing his arms, Renaldo surveyed the men among him - Lothar Wolff stuck out immediately. Renaldo knew the man was a native to Rheinfeld and he did not doubt his loyalties. Both REnaldo and Lotar had ties to the Papacy, but the Wolff house had fallen out of favor with the Pope in recent decades. He sure as hell wouldn't be the first to suggest Lothar's name. The air in this locale was stagnant and the longer they stood waiting around, the more conspicuous they would appear.