Amano listens politely to all the courses Illiendi has planned and a part of him hums happily at the idea of such good food, while another part hopes he'll be able to eat it all. [i]'Good, only a little wine. Perhaps I should bring it up later. . .'[/i] He cocks his head slightly to the side, wondering what drink he'd want with such a rich sounding dessert. As he thinks he spots Illiendi glancing at his brothers and fights to keep from chuckling at the looks on their faces. Finally with a faint nod he makes his decision. “With my dessert I would like some hot amowa tea with a teaspoon on honey. Thank you Illiendi.” He suppresses a shiver at the feeling of his mother practically melting at his side, the glares from his brothers poorly hidden behind their wine glasses. “That would be delightful.” his mother murmurs softly as the new servant's gaze turns to the young men on the other side of the table. Amano focuses on the meal before him, taking in the smell with a long inhale, his smile shifting slightly as he realizes how hungry he is. [i]'I have not really eaten today, so this will be a real treat'[/i] He doesn't even look to his brothers as the demon leaves, instead focuses on the dish in front of him. He keeps his pose as he begins eating slowly, savoring each bite. He lets the flavors dance around him mouth, his smile remaining small and polite as he munches on that delicious meal before him. After a few bites of her own meal however, his mother's attention once more turns to Amano. “So,” she begins, “even if you are hoping to discuss this later with you father, perhaps you could tell you poor mother about these sudden plans to leave you family?” Though posed as a question, it is clear that she expects and answer and will not let him rest until she gets one. Taking his time finishing off the mouthful he has, Amano begins putting together what will hopefully be a good enough answer to get his mother off his back, but also keep from turning his shins black and blue by the end of the meal. [i]'I have to tell her just enough to have her curious to hear it all from father, without telling her so much that she will demand to hear the rest from me right here. And I know Tawney and Burtis are just waiting for something that they can laugh at and tell me I'm going to fail. I have to get them to laugh, or I'm not walking very strait away from this table'[/i] Swallowing, he wipes his mouth off and sets his fork down. He can feel a little tingle as Illiendi exits the kitchen, however he does not pay him any mind, his focus instead on getting his story strait. “Mother, this is not as sudden as it seems. I have known for quite some time that I will never be able to make a name for myself in this family, not with my elder brothers to complete with. I have never had a head for the kind of work I could get in this town, and if I ever wish to do anything father can be proud of, I must find some place where my skills are worth something. I can only pray to find something worthy of my place in this household somewhere else.” He casts a sad gaze at his mother but inside he smiles wide. He brothers are already laughing at his rather pathetic tone, and his mother's eyes are beginning to tear slightly. Turning back to his meal he finishes the last few bites and downs the last of his drink. Despite his slight frame, Amano has always been able to eat quickly without looking hurried, the food seeming to vanish into one of his many metaphorical stomachs. Sitting back to signal he is finished he waits for Illiendi to remove the empty dishes and fetch his second course. As the demon is walking away, both brothers watch him go before turning on Amano once more. “So, he's gonna to be your arm candy? Get you what you want by batting his eyes?” Burtis's voice is grating, however the youngest brother refuses to rise to it tonight. He's been hearing crap like this for years, he can hand it, or so he hopes. . . . From the front hall there is a light jingle and all attention turns to the door. Only visitors and messengers use the bell. After several silent moments one of the butlers arrives carrying a small white envelope. “Madam Chesia.” He says with a bow, handing the letter to his mother. She takes it gently and opens it, reading the small note inside. Letting out a long sigh she hands it back, signaling that he should throw it away. “You father shall not be back tonight. He and Erick have some business at one of the businesses at the edge of town and they will be staying the night there.” There is a note of sorrow in her voice and Amano's heart goes out to her. He knows what 'business' means as well as everyone else in the room, however his brothers look rather proud of the announcement, disregarding their mother's feeling openly. Amano shifts his attention back to the table as the butler walks out of the dinning hall, closing the door behind him.