Hope I'm not too late to join. Name: Defendia Sex: Female Race: Human Health- 40 Endurance- 120 Appearance: Defendia stands at 5'3'', the self proclaimed cutest height for a woman. She has fair, white skin and large, blonde drill hair. She wears a long, frilly red and white sleeveless dress with matching gloves and boots. She is in decent physical shape and radiates a "better than you" vibe. Personality: Defendia is an arrogant, overconfident sorceress who prides herself on her knowledge of magic. Any who confront her about her inability to use most of her magic receive a quick object to the face. Defendia only acts friendly to the people she deems worthy, the smart, and those able to cook. Gear: Miscellaneous objects for chucking inside her dress. Misc: OHOHOHO Abilities: Armor 2 Hobbies: Throwing 3, Magic Knowledge 2 Heightened Smell - Food 2 Smart 1 Hammer space 2 Cute 2 Acrobatics 2 Agile 2 Vitality: 4 Magic, Arcane and Hexes* 4 Weapon: Spell - Shooting magically made shields (Ranged, Extra Knockback) 3 Power move 3 Noblewoman's laugh (Ranged, Endurance Drain, Armor Piercing, Area Effect, No Knockback, Decreased Damage) Cost 10 Shield Barrage (Ranged, Area Effect x2, Rapid Strikes) Cost 30 Unlimited Shield Works (Ranged, Extra Accuracy x2, Extra Damage x2, Rapid Strikes , Multiple Targets x4, Charge, Empty Hands) Cost 45 Weaknesses: Arrogant 1 Ineptitude: Non Shield or hexing* Spells 4 Overconfident 2 Background: Defendia was once a girl under a different name born into a wealthy family. The moment she summoned her first shield, her parents believed she would become a powerful sorceress. As such, Defendia was taught magic by the greatest of teachers. Sadly she was only skilled in summoning shields, every other spell usually blew up in her face or was too weak to be used in actual combat. Embarrassed by her lack of talent, she decided to run away, hoping to find a cure to her obvious curse that is holding her back. Note: The hexes are in reality her attempts at enchanting objects going horribly wrong.