Press was on his bed, reading a book off a tablet, when he heard a growling. He pulled his attention away from the story and looked around for the source. The sound appeared once more, and Press identified it as his own stomach. With a sigh, he rolled out of bed and landed on his feet. He folded his tablet (yes, folded) in half and stuffed it in a drawer in the side of his bed. He clapped twice, and 4 mechanical arms came out from the sides of his bed and straightened his sheets. When done, they retracted back, and the bed itself retracted into the ground, panel closing the hole where the bed retracted into. Press grabbed his scarf and coat, then went into the bathroom to do his daily routine of brushing his teeth and washing his face, then patting down his scarf and coat for his trusty gadgets. Satisfied, he put them on and strolled out of the bathroom, then walked to the stand that he had built for Horus. He held his arm up, and Horus walked off his stand and up his arm onto his shoulder. He walked out of the Hephaestus cabin and into the dining pavilion where a few people were already there. He sat down on his designated table and selected 2 ham and cheese sandwiches and a box of froot loops. He went up to the ceremonial fire and tossed in the better-looking sandwich and the entire box of froot loops. After he gave a quick prayer to Hephaestus and sat back down, he looked around to see who else was around. There wasn't anyone really interesting though, aside from that Aphrodite girl. She seemed cute, which was natural for being the love goddess' child, but Press learned long ago to guard his heart from a pretty face, especially after that empousa incident. Finally he turned his attention to his sandwich and began to eat.