Commander Black turns to Emmaline because she spoke up first. The three recruits were let’s say different but at least they were here. The first question being why she was picked, even though she was someone who did things solo. She had dealt with one of those solo type people before and let’s just say she turned them around and got them to work in the team effectively. Commander Black: “Well the DF5 is a whole different world and going in solo will get you killed. I think, no I know you will be a team player or you will die trying. I will turn your record from one man soldier to a team player. How do I expect five people to win? Well the other five did it until that thing happened. Also you are equipped with some of the best equipment we could make, the only way to die is if you are pissing about or the enemy puts you at odds with each other making you less effective. Then there’s the other way, but I am not going to bring it up. You are not the only DF5 force out there, we have five teams in other countries and if this goes well we will be expanding. The difference is you are the main force.” Soon the other question came up and Commander Black needed to stop ending tours here and it seemed to prompt that question. She had to think of a way of talking about it though she hated talking about it. Her mind ran through a few ways of doing it but none of them were pleasant. Since Steve asked a question she jumped to his as it was easier to talk about. Commander Black: “Ranks are based on performance and service. We have about five ranks, one is the hardest to get and in no way means you will get it. Basically you will go up one when you had enough experience or wowed me enough to give you a promotion. So hit the gym, don’t fight with one another and stop the bad guys.” She soon turns to Calvin and seeing he was stoned, the signs were clear as she was trained to spot these things. He asked about the statue as well making Commander Black sigh. Commander Black: “Well as you already pointed out they are the original DF5, I had them under my service for a good five years. We had our ups, we had our downs but we were good and we were effective. In some ways you could say I felt attached to them but I know I was proud of them. During the final battle that took place in Central city the members had to deal with this tough enemy, do you remember hearing about it? Well because I don’t really want to talk about it I will just say the one with the X on is not allowed to be named or seen so we put the sack with the X on. Because of their previous record and because this team lasted so long it is here to remember them, the good times anyway. The things is are you wondering where they are now, if so we don’t have time for that now but maybe later I will say?” Commander Black: “If there is nothing else we should see if the suits fit you, follow me.” She leads them to the lab next door as the storage room did not have their stuff in there yet. Once inside there would be three suits along with helmets, each shaped differently based on the animal spirit sitting there in the colour they chose, they just had to try them on. Commander Black: “Don’t worry, you only have to put them on yourself once, after that you can do that thing where it will appear on you when you activate your DF5 phone which is more than a hone but is mainly a phone. They will come with a coin with the animal spirit that represents you, never let it leave your sight as without it you just have a phone, but at the same time don’t leave it in your phone either or the battle mode will be active. The coins themselves were sitting on the table on the other side of the room and o they had to go get them as well. Now try them on.”