[center][b][u]Day 0[/u][/b][/center] There had been much to contemplate and think about - after having treated the others' injuries that was. Most of the bandaids and wet-wipes from her bag had been used up treating Akane's legs and the marks on both Akane and Reiko's necks. Truly an unfortunate set-back that she had had to use almost all of her 'medical' supplies, if you could call it that, so quickly, but on the other hand it was infintely better to keep people healthy and strong than to gamble on them not getting infected injuries. Shiori sighed, there was no good choices in thgis world, no right or wrong, just the choice between greater or lesser bad. When they arrived at the new classroom, which upon entry looked just like the old classroom they had left earlier, Mizuhana was momentarily dumbfounded. It was clear they had been walking away from the location, but somehow they wound up back there again? No, no, that wasn't it. There were black hairs in this room - something the previous one did not. Walking inside, she saw Akane and Aito discuss something, though she didnb't care to eavesdrop, as well as hearing Shizune telling them to rest and that she would be taking the watch. [i]Watch, huh...?[/i] A novel concept. Against that Friagne not even the combined efforts of Akane and Shizune managed toe ven get through the swarm of dolls, so what was she hoping to accomplish? There was also only [i]one[/i] way out of the classroom, meaning that if any monsters showed up, they'd be trapped regardless if someone sat and kept an eye on the door or not. Still, it was kind of her to offer to watch over them, she supposed. Not that Shiori was feeling very tired after having seen the bastard child of Edgar Scissor-hands and the Phantom of the Opera ropping one of her classmates into bits and pieces. Not to mention the red, demonic light from the sky and black moon outside was anything but soothing. Grabbing one of the chairs by the back, she pulled it along the floor and plopped it down against one of the walls near the three, large windows of the room. Sitting on it, she leant back and rested, staribg off into the ceiling for a few minutes before finally closing her eyes. There was so much to think about, so much to consider and so much to fear. An unknown world with horrors from the deepest depths of the most heinous nightmars... Working together wouldn't be enough to survive this, they would need trust and luck. Too bad scientists discredited luck and chance, claiming to be non-existent. Though she wouldn't get much sleep, mostly since she spent an inordinate amount of time thinking by herself, Shiori's eyelids eventually shut fully and granted her a few hours of sleep, which felt like mere moments to the girl. [center][u][b]Day 1[/u][/b][/center] Waking up, Shiori realized she had awoken slightly before everyone else. Something had caused her to open her eyes suddenly. There was a slight pain, no, more like an irritation, on her neck. Moving her gloved fingers up to the spot that was causing the discomfort, she let a s surprised 'eh?' slip out, before clamming up. There were two puncture wounds on her neck... But how? She was fairly sure that she hadn't been injured yesterday. Actually, she was sure of it, since she had checked that right after seeing to everyone else. So, how had this happened? SShe lookedover to the door, but Yoshida was still sitting there - awake - meaning that the girl hadn't fallen asleep at her post. Had something entered through the window? She looked. No, the dust was still there, meaning nobody had opened it enough to let air slip in. But then... How? Why...? Or, pehaps more importantly, what had caused this? She also noticed, now that she was fully awake, that her body felt a bit heavy and sluggish. Was it from the lack of sleep? No, she'd pulled all-nighters before and been perfectly functional the whole day... Tiredness? From what? She hadn't done any running or excersise, other then tackling Resan-san to prevent her from becoming a sock-puppet. No, something was definetely off here. Unfortunately, Shiori wasn't given time to contemplate or ask Yoshida about it, as something happened. A scream. Or perhaps, several. They were the voices of children, crying out in horrid pain and agony, begging for salvation. It was a heart-wrenching scream, something that plucked at your heart and would make the soft no doubtbegin to tear up in their eyes. She stood, slowly since she wasn't feeling at her fullest and fittest, and began to move towards the door. But Aito and Tsubasa, along with Akane, beat her to it. Tsubasa and Akane asked a question, while Aito interjected and gave [i]his[/i] answer on the matter. Her eyes narrowed in discontent as she watched and listened. He was suggesting they leave. And go where? Anywhere but here? Was he honestly thinking that anywhere else would be safer than here? They were safe [i]nowhere[/i]. She was about to take a step forward and speak up, but then... Something caughther attention and she froze up. Staring... Shiori looked past Akane, Tsubasa, Aito and Shizune, past them and to the corner a bit away from the door. There, the corner furthest from the windows, stained in shadows and blackness, there was something... A small figure was there, one that hadn't been there before. It wasn't one of her classmates either, it was too short for that. Staring, she finally shook her head and brought attention to it. "Everyone. Over there. In the corner..." She said, calmly but with a clear tinge of steely and tense unnervedness. Once it had heard that it had been discovered,d, the figure stepped out into the light a bit. The first thing you saw were its legs. Thin, pale legs, with bruises and soot on them. They were thin, scrawny even, and it wore no shoes, revealing a pair of small, human feet as well. The skin was pale, but a bit ashen, sickly even. The being moved forward again, revealing more of itself. Now one could see the torso and arms, as well as its clothes. It waas wearing a pair of torn and frayed shorts, gray and made out of something that looked sacky and cheap. It wore a t-shirt on its upper body, also torn and frayed, with holes and long tears in the fabric. Its arms were also bruised and dirty, and like the legs they were also extremely slim and pale.. It moved forward again, and now you could see the entire being. The final part revealed - its head - Shiori took a step back and let out a slight, quick and surprised gasp. The child's face... It´was horrible! Bruises and dirt, a mess of unkempt and stringy black hair that fell like dead weeds over its dome. Its cheeks were indented and its lips were cracked and had a slightly darker tinge to them, as if the child was freezing. But the worst part was its eyes... Its haunting, black eyes. It had no whites! There was no iris, no whites, no pupil! Just a black ... blob! You couldn't tell if it could see or if it was lookijng at someone, because you couldn't follow its gaze, since it had none! Shiori felt the hairs on her back stand on end and she had to clench her hands to keep them from shaking. The child surveyed the room, then turned towards the group of four near the door. It opened and closed its mouth a few times, quickly as if it was trying to say something but words or voice would not come... Then, it finally unhinged its jaw and opened its mouth fully! A black tongue and nasty teeth - some of which were missing - as well as a blackned tongue revealed! It looked like the child was going to vomit, for it just stood there with its mouth agape, yet you could see that its jaw-muscles were tensed, meaning it was keeping the mouth open on its own will... But why? Shiori couldn't hear anything... It just looked incredibly disturbing. [i]... Is this a victim of this world too? Trapped here like us? ... Or is it another horror, come to haunt us.[/i] Shiori did not move an inch, and she did not look away from the small boy either as he stood, silently screaming at them without a voice.