[hider=Character: Mikiko][img=http://s27.postimg.org/uxwsldr83/Pic_4.png] [b]Name: [/b] Hamisaki Mikiko [b]Age: [/b]19 [b]Height: [/b] 5’6” [b]Weight: [/b] 120 pounds [b]Home Town: [/b] Mock Town (currently resides in Orange Town) [b]Occupation: [/b] Cook/Pirate [b]Weapon: [/b] Poison tipped knives and deadly chemicals. [b]Personality: [/b] Mikiko is a very outspoken girl who has a tendency to get into trouble because she loves to speak her mind, mainly by telling people off. She is rash and quick to draw a knife if she feels there is a need. While it may seem contradictory for a pirate, Mikiko isn’t overly fascinated or concerned with fine metals or jewels. She will “exchange” weird items for stolen goods. As a child, she left someone a voodoo doll in exchange for bread. She tampers with chemicals, and loves to test new solutions… sometimes on other people. Be careful if you piss her off, she will poison your food. Her biggest pet peeve is “backseat cooks.” Never use salt before tasting your dish; she will throw it into the ocean claiming, “More intelligent creatures deserve my work.” [b]History: [/b] Growing up in Mock Town, she interacted with many pirates, and is seldom scared by anything. Her mother was a pub owner, and was known for “entertaining” her guests. Due to the mother’s promiscuous attitude, Mikiko is one of nine children. She is indifferent towards her family, and refers to them and other people by using numbers. There is no rhyme or reason to the number she picks (she has a sibling 567). She dislikes Mock Town, and left as soon as possible. She sets out as a pirate to find old science journals. It seems as though she is looking for specific ones. [b]Strengths: [/b] -She can make medications and poisons (as well as some questionable substances). However, she can’t diagnose people or treat major wounds, so a doctor is still needed. -She is quick, and efficient with knives. -Her cooking is excellent, and she can make alcoholic drinks from scratch due to her meddling in chemistry. [b]Weaknesses: [/b] -She is rash, and doesn’t think situations all the way through if upset. -She isn’t the strongest person around. -She isn’t the best public speaker, and can unknowingly piss people off (by giving them voodoo dolls… for example). [/hider] I probably shouldn't make character sheets during bio @_@