Shepard didn´t think that Zeto was wounded in any way, but she had still felt a little bit relieved when dr. Chakwas confirmed it. The Quarian had suffered more than enough for a day, for a lifetime, and an injury could be the last nail to her coffin, especially with immune system as shaky as her specie had. She couldn´t help herself not to feel pity for the woman. Loosing so much in one day and being left to the mercy of stranger, of an alien, it couldn´t be easy by any means. "Don´t worry about it. It´s not like we are going to throw you out on the closest piece of rock with solid ground we find. We have just one more important thing to do, and then we will be on our way to the Citadel. You can stay aboard until then," she said and smiled encouragingly, or at least she hoped it looked like that. "I hope you don´t mind me asking, but what information do you posses, that Geth want it so much?" asked Shepard. She couldn´t help herself, but she was curious about it. Geth were an enemy, and any intel Zeto possessed would be more than useful to her little hunt. "I am specter, ordered to investigate these recent Geth incursions and I could any help I can find. If the knowledge you have was so valuable to Geth, that they didn´t hesitate to make such a ruthless action, It could be vital to my work. I can´t force you to share the info with me... but I would be very grateful if you did." The last part wasn´t all that true. Shepard was a spectre now and there wasn´t many things she couldn´t d,o because of her special status, but she just wouldn´t do them with light heart.