Emmaline had no idea about any fight in Central City. Hell she didn't know anything about the Defense Force Five thing until they recruited her. As for the monsters they fought she hadn't heard about them until she saw and fought some in New York City on her world tour. She had vowed to never work for anyone ever again especially if it was government work. She was thinking of starting her own company, none of the options she could think of were as interesting as fighting monsters. She looked at the coins, she didn't know much about animal spirits except some nonsensical idiots put a lot of stock in to it at the detriment of anything resembling intelligence. She thought it was coincidental her spirit animal was Israel's national animal, which was the one & only thought she put into hers. She picked up her coin and put it in her pocket. She found her suit & disrobed immediately so she could put on the suit. It fit, way to snug for her liking especially in the rear, felt like she was in the process of getting a wedgie. She did like the way it supported her up top. "Worn worse, worn better. Have one more question where's the shooting range?"