Lilian followed the commander in a total silence. Not that she would be all that shy, she was just still a little bit overwhelmed by the opportunity she get. Kid from the street get to fight evildoers. It was just like from some kind of infantile, science fiction movie she never had a stomach to watch. But she was here, in headquarters of top secret organization fighting villians that didn´t know they belonged just to comic books. She almost laughed aloud when she recalled her friend, saying that when she stops with drugs, there will be less weird shit happening to her. Here she was, clear like a lily in pack of wet tissues but the shit around her was weirder than ever. Commander Black looked like a strong woman. Strong, strict and straight. To man S if you asked Lilian. She didn´t know what, but something told that their relationship won´t be all that sunny. She and authorities just doesn´t get well with themselves. Her new comrades also looked like quite an interesting bunch of people. First there was this woman. She looked like Black, in some ways, but much more predatory. She looked like someone who eats Mexican luchadores for breakfast and drink it down with tears of hardened veterans from legion etrangere. If there was anyone Lilian wanted on her side, it was her. There is no friend like the one who can gut a bear with bare hands. Beside the woman, there were also two guys, rabbits. None of them looked like anything extra. First looked like if somebody just pissed in his morning cofee and second one... was just so high she had to check if his feet actually touched the ground. And she was supposed to work with material like that... She remained in silence even in main lobby. There were no particular questions on her mind. She didn´t really cared about what had the room to offer or who were her predecessors. She was she and they were they. Whatever happened to them, for Lilian waited another fate. The room itself wasn´t very appealing to her. She disliked the everpresent light of neons. They were just too cold for her. The storage room was way more interesting. Lilian could finally see what was the equipment everyone was making so much fuss about. Honestly, her first impression was dissapointment. She excepted something hi-tech, something that will yell "I am bad motherfucker!", and the suits were quite different from what had she imagined. But she still tried one on. Suits might have looked little bit silly from distance, they have even looked a little bit silly from close, but wearing it was like nothing Lilian ever experienced. It reinforced her stance, toughen her muscles and sent a wave of energy trough her body. She felt like she could nail a concrete wall just by punching it. She hated that phrase, but nothing more fitting came on her mind. "This is coool!"