Mae grimaced a bit as Yoru was called into the room accompanied by the shrill feeble cries of a piglet which made her clench up even more. Her eyes flicked between Yoru and Katashi before the side door was opened and the piglet was tossed inside. The girl wondered for a moment what they could have possibly hoped to accomplish with the little show. She wondered until the monstrous roar howled through the air that is. The girls eyes widened, a cold sweat forming at the back of her neck as the horrid sounds rang through the room. Mercifully the door was soon shut cutting off the source of whatever creature had made the noises. The girl gulped heavily at Katashi's following comments, snatching one of the contracts from the air with a quivering hand. Looking at it she found herself hesitating once again, pen poised at the signature line. Mae bit the side of her cheek, her stomach sinking as she marked the paper with her name, releasing it into the air afterwards. When it was done she put her notepad away and gripped the strap of her bag, averting her eyes from the witch as her expression gradually shifted back to the pouting glare she often held. For a moment she felt the urge to look between the other children for their reactions to the events but refrained from actually doing so, keeping her eyes cast down to the ground.