[b]"All Lanterns receiving this message report to Lantern Salaak outside of the Central Battery for an emergency situation in sector 1-8-6-1..."[/b] Magnar shot up with a start, his eyes darting around the room, trying to find the whoreson who had managed to sneak up on him, before realising it was only the ring. He still hadn't gotten used to the blasted thing giving him orders. To his mind trinkets should keep their thoughts to themselves, but maybe he was old fashioned like that. "Quiet dammit," he ordered, shaking his hand to no avail. The ring kept on bleating it's damned message. Kav seemed to have gotten the same missive from his ring and raised himself, thanking Magnar for the drink which he left half finished. Magnar sighed at the sight of the desultory effort the younger fella had made at the beer, if he needed anymore of a sign that he wasn't home anymore that was it. Alcohol never went to waste were he came from. The big man picked himself out of his chair and followed Kav at a more sedate pace. Let the younger lads rush around, he was getting to old for that sort of malarkey. A short flight later and he was at the place the lanterns called the 'Central Battery', dropping down between Kav and a boy wearing a green visor he hadn't met before, showing all the grace of a sick duck falling from the air. Even after all this time he was still a pretty poor flier, but to him that wasn't much of a surprise. Magnar was of a mind that man was never sposed to fly, fancy green magic or no. He tried to ignore the looks he received after his poor landing, acting like he was just waiting patiently for Salaak.