Character sheet coming on now: Name: Rennac Faintheart Gender:Male Class: Technician Role: Computer analyst and Security specialist Race: Wolfen Race Description: Bipedal canine/humanoid race. Similar mental capabilities as humans though they are more pack oriented culturally. They also have canine features like slightly heightened senses as well as a few more embarrassing qualities like wagging their tail when excited or enjoying a scratch behind the ears. While still not capable of telepathy or any mental based discipline, they do have a basic survival instinct that boosts their survival. Racial traits: -Heightened Senses -Sonic and gas vulnerability Desired atmosphere: Earth standard air mixture. Background: Having originally been a hacker in his youth he got into the trouble with the law quite often. Mostly it was innocent things like buying a hotel room on a fake credit card number or pranking a website so he didn't get charged with anything major. To curb his delinquent behavior he was made to get a job a small computer firm. He quickly excelled even as he made his name online as a professional hacker, working as a security tester for different companies and even doing an analysis of the security systems at the Alliance embassy on his planet. He further impressed his client as a group chose that day to try and steal the data on their computers, acting quickly and sealing the files on lockdown with a quickly programmed subroutine.When he was pulled to the computer to unlock it he slammed his assailant's head with the keyboard and wrenched the gun out of his claws, aiding the guards at the embassy to push back the attackers till reinforcements arrived. Due to his quick thinking and his affinity for getting out of trouble safely he was offered to be trained and accepted into the military for a time. He attended a few medical training sessions but never went too far, knowing he preferred dealing with computers rather than screaming people. After a few years he made sergeant rank and found himself every hot zone where an infiltration team needed to hack a door or computer. After only a few years he was assigned to the Argent Dawn for his exemplary skill in technological infiltration. While his specialty was always computers, Rennac can handle himself in the thick of a good scrap. Personality: Most of the time he is rather carefree and fun seeking, always up to get into a little trouble or prank another member of his team. Once a situation occurs he still seems joking and cocky though he is calm and calculating beneath the surface. His mind will quickly begin processing solutions like a computer, often coming to a best option to get his fellow soldiers out of a sticky situation. Description: Tall with dark blue fur. His eyes are a light teal that seemed to shimmer in the dark. He is roughly 6 feet tall with a bit of a lanky build, his training in combat only giving him a modest musculature. To make up for this he is naturally quick and agile, bobbing and weaving in close quarters and being quick to dive for cover when being attacked at range. His usual clothing is mostly a simple black outfit: dark canvas pants, combat boots, a sleeveless black shirt with pockets and panels to help repair and fix the computers he comes in contact with. What was more noticeable was the custom gauntlets he wore, using a durable shell for protection of his computers and a holographic interface capable of connecting to most wireless systems. The gauntlet also has a cable port to connect to other systems as well. These do little more than give Rennac a bit more protection for his wrists and remote access to different computer systems. Proficiencies: -CQC Training -Pistol specialty -Hacking -Sabotage -Stealth