[quote=Sundered Echo] Depends. The Turian Cabals operate largely as spec ops groups and rarely get assigned to one place for any length of time. Given how much Turian Biotics are considered pariahs in their society, the Hierachy tend not to want to show them off at all, in fact doing their best to give the impression that there are no Turian biotics.Dervish knows more about the Cabals than I do, but as he is not here I shall answer to say, I don't think its impossible, but there would need to be a rather good reason. Its far more likely they'll just have a mission or two there than be assigned there on a permanent basis. [/quote] The reason I'm asking is that Traja was predicted to be a Biotic due to her exposure to Element Zero while in vitro. However, he parents were military and had to return to Palaven, but Traja had to stay behind in the hands of the Cabal because her weakened exoskeleton and was put into foster care until she was old enough to start the usual Turian boot camp, although mostly under another Cabal. This is also mostly under the table, again because the Cabal and a shadow organization.