[quote=RainDash] Her shell couldn't withstand the radiation. I think I'll add more about that, but it's already put in the sheet twice.Her mother was an engineer, a pretty dedicated one. Since Turians are public minded, I'd imagine it wouldn't be difficult to imagine her working on engines as much as possible even while close to her due date. (I'll specify this in the history, just in case.)And, she grew up with a fairly well off Asari on the Citadel. She wasn't exposed to Cabal since day one. I figured that sending a child to fight with a high stake group might be pushing it. [/quote] This is acceptable, and makes sense. Incidentally, does this mean that she would currently react to Palaven like a human or other soft skinned race when living there for a long time? Vandy - Thats a possibility. Such things have been known to occur. Incidentally I believe that'd make your Turian a bareface. Archangel, if you really don't like the idea of being just a vanguard, make up a subclass (or even copy Thanes). Crya already did so for Daryna, the Drell Adept. No reason you cant do so for your character as well.