His brothers are whispering to one another as Illiendi comes back into the hall, once more making Amano smile gently and praise him in his mind. [i]'Keep this up, and I do believe my brothers will be truly green with envy even before the meal is finished'[/i] He remains sitting back against the back of his chair as Illiendi places the napkin however this time he has to try very hard not to gawk openly as to what else passes beyond the sight of his brothers. The flash of red makes him glance down briefly, however at the sound of the demon's voice he calls his attention to the meal before him and nods gently. “Thank you.” His tone is only slightly subdued, however it would be rather clear if one is paying attention. With a little nod to signal everything is alright he turns his attention on to the actual contents of his meal. [i]'Peppers. . .I don't like peppers. They make me sneeze'[/i] Out of the corner of his eye he watches his mothers fingers close gently over the head of the rose. He spares he a glance to see how she is reacting to the demon's actions and he's not at all surprised that she no longer looks sad, and perhaps now, a little shy. [i]'I wonder what he's up to. Is he trying to further win her favor? I do not think he has to try so hard, something about him already has her well within his grasp should he choose to get to know her that way. . .'[/i] He does his best to not imagine his mother in such a situation, however having walked in on his parents before, it is no easy feat. He eats at his steady pace, the food vanishing quicker from his plate than from his brothers' and mother's without Amano himself looking as if he's hurrying. At his side his mother begins speaking of her day, a new note in her voice that he tries to ignore. [i]'I am happy that she's no longer so sad as she was bare minutes ago, however I'd rather not think of mother being that much like father that she would accept such things so quickly and without much thought. . . .Who am I kidding, she married my father without much thought, not that she was given much of a choice, however now that I think about it, they do have some glaring similarities'[/i] He is careful as he eats to place the peppers off to the side of his plate in a neat row, following the curve of the edge. He is on his last couple bites by the time his new manservant enters, and without looking hurried he finishes off the dish before Illiendi comes to a stop at his side. Once more the heated gaze of his brothers follow the demon, and his mother has a lighter look in her eyes now as she look upon him. Amano ignores this and sits back, watching Illiendi clear his dishes once more and offering him a soft smile and a nod.