"Well, I heard some places don't mind if a person's got talent like you," Alex said, offering her a smile. A chuckle started when he realized he was trying to comfort her, and what the hell did he know? He leaned back in the chair, lacing his fingers behind his head and cupping the back of his head with them to give it a cushion for his lounging. "Then again, that's just word of mouth. Lots of people say lots of stuff in places like this. I got real good at puzzles before I came to this one though." A one shoulder shrug followed the latter statement. There weren't as many people talking to themselves here as there were in the last place though. "I'm Alex." He glanced over his shoulder at his sister then looked back at Veleno. A nod of his head indicated back toward her. "If you can't tell that's my sister, Jenn." He looked back over his shoulder, hands still against his head. "Hey, you should come over and talk too. Doc says it's good for you." Jennifer's gaze snapped to her brother, partially hidden by a veil of her own bangs. For a second, she considered just going back to what she was doing, but it was Alex asking. Alex wouldn't ask her to socialize then abandon her. Unfurling from her position once more, she crossed the short space between them and quickly curled back up, hugging a knee to her chest with the other curled underneath the upright leg. "Hi," she nearly whispered. A sleeve covered hand brushed at her bangs, but not enough to keep them from falling right back into place to cover all but one eye. Alex smiled as he turned back to Veleno. "So, what do you like to draw? Anything in particular?" As he spoke, he let his arms drop, one wrist resting on his thigh while his other arm fell across Jennifer's shoulders to hold her close.