A newly created project for juniors and seniors to take as an extra credit elective. Basically this project will guarantee an A for them for the rest of the year if they finish it. Some were in desperate need of passing an elective in order to boost their GPA up. Many volunteered to do this project, but only a select few were chosen. 10 students out of the entire school were chosen, all very different from each other. None of them knew what the project was about, only that they needed the extra credit. They had no idea what they were about to get themselves into. Project K requires two students per pair; one male and one female to take responsibility for a kindergarten student and act as their temporary parents. They will be required to keep the child with them at all times, even taking them to their classes. The school designed a special housing campus right next to the school so the students and their children can stay in. All of the students are from different cliques so working together with a partner will prove to be quite the challenge. I got this idea from a story I read where it was a baby project that a school had to take, but instead of it being a baby it'll be a child in kindergarten since a baby wouldn't be that fun to RP. So anyone interested? :3