[center][b]South-West Block - Nathaniel[/b][/center] --- "Alright, fuck this, we're getting out of here!" Nathaniel drew his pistol and flipped off the safety, knowing that his rifle was probably spent and lacking confidence in his ability to reload it quickly enough to matter. He fired a few quick shots at the wolf creature eying them from atop the APC, then motioned for the biologist to follow him. "Run!" Nathaniel led the way, hoping Daniel would provide rear cover for them. He heard Brucey's plan through his radio and decided it was their best bet, and he added his own piece for the squad to here. "Coming through with the VIP, cover us!" Nathaniel angled around the mech's flame, running to try to get back behind Brucey and make use of his covering inferno. He spotted the new arrivals as well, which he hadn't quite realized were there before now, and figured they'd be helpful too. Nathaniel held his pistol at the ready as he ran for the relative safety of his fellows, hoping he could react fast enough to anything that came his way and that a few pistol rounds would be enough to make it back off.