Name: Jackdaw Gender: Female Class: Soldier Role: Ground-Team Race: Human Race Description: N/A Background: Jackdaw came from a pretty well-off family. Or at least, that’s what she was told. She hasn’t seen them since she was young, and yet she is told repeatedly that they have been and will continue to support her every step of her journey. When she was just reaching toddlerhood, Jackdaw was sent to live at a very prestigious academy, where she was set to be bred into a prodigy. She learned to play a myriad of instruments, was semi-fluent in two languages of neighboring species by the time she was ten, and when she reached her teenaged years, she devoted all of her time and effort to her studies. It gained her nothing. Jackdaw found herself at a loss when she reached the age of seventeen. She realized that all of her work, all of the years of burying herself in books, holding herself so highly above others, it was all for the sake of grades. She learned to consume knowledge, and then repeat it, without ever truly learning. When she graduated, she had nothing but a handful of facts. A jack of all trades, a king of none. The rut she fell into sapped much of that from her; she forgot her instrumental lessons, her linguistics training, the facts left her mind until she became an amalgam of uselessness. That’s when she found the facility. Odd thing it was, a branch of the federation’s research division situated not a mile from her home town. It was better than nothing. She applied as a test subject, and for the first year, was given mostly steroid-esque drugs, designed to enhance brain function, alertness, motivation, and the like. By the end of the second year, she was being trained in the use of basic weaponry while on a variety of other drugs, to improve hand-eye coordination. Eventually, she became unsatisfied with these temporary feats of strength, and practice began. By her twentieth birthday, she was the model image of a soldier; fit, strong, quick, and loyal. She was also stricken once again with a fierce old ambition. She wanted more. She wanted to be more. So she took the next step. The final test she signed on for was a fitting for the JACKDAW neural armor. It’s a process she didn’t fully understand the technicalities of, but it promised to make her much more “effective”. She lost a lot on that operating table. When she awoke, gone was her name. Gone were her familial ties. Gone was her past life. She signed on to become JACKDAW, and that’s what she became. All she had left was her ambition, and her armor. Naturally, the next step was the Argent Dawn, and it was all a matter of getting there. Personality: Jackdaw is, at her best, sarcastically distant. At her worst, she’s hotheaded, tunnel-visioned, and brazenly arrogant. This is what she has left, she is pure ambition. She wants to be the best, but she wants it for the best as well. Sometimes the trouble comes with differentiating between the two. Character Description: Unarmored, Jackdaw is a human female with chemically blanched skin, charcoal black hair, and amber eyes. She bears several nodes about her body, namely her limbs. When she’s armored, her skin is covered in a metallic black false-skin, rough to the touch. Her forearms, hands, chest, legs, feet, head, and spine become encased by plated armor, stained a dull gray. The false-skin transformation takes place on a cellular level, replacing her outer-most layer of skin with the black material. The plates spawn from the nodes about her body, folding and unfolding into proper shape. The armor comes complete with a communications device within the helmet, as well as an overview of her vitals. The suit is designed to survive low-orbit drops with the assistance of heat-resistance, and jets set on the base of the clawed feet. These cannot be used outside of dropping. The false-skin is not bullet proof, and though it will not tear under the strain of (most) blades, the friction of a slash can harm the skin beneath. A direct stab will almost surely pass easily through. The plates are designed to withstand small-arms fire, though not in excess, and while they can survive glancing blows from assault rounds, sustained fire of any sort will bypass them with ease. Proficiencies: >CQC Training >Weapons Training: Pistols >Weapons Training: Assault Rifles >Repair (Equipment: Only small firearms) >Xeno-Translation