[b]Name:[/b] Teeth [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Class:[/b] Medic [b]Role:[/b] Crewmember [b]Race:[/b] Seron [b]Race Description:[/b] Anthropomorphic canines in appearance--faces and lower halves of tail bare down to the bone, with a single, glowing light in their eye sockets that serves as a “pupil” (or at least guide to what they’re looking at). Legs are only slightly digitigrade, legs mostly proportioned as a plantigrade would be, but popped up onto their toes. Hands are near paws--short, blunt fingers, tipped with thin claws double the length of the actual finger. These claws, along with the bare-bone face, can be broken. While not brittle, they have no muscle or skin holding them together, and so when lost are just gone. They can change from bipedal to quadrupedal movement easily, moving freely in either posture, and this gives their bodies an awkward proportion of long-looking arms and short-looking legs, along with a blunt, tubish torso. Still, it allows for greater speed and balance when needed. Average height is not far from human--around five foot six (5’6”) to six foot six (6’6”) in range, with the odd one being taller or shorter. Their pelts range in any shade offered by Earth’s canine wildlife. Little to no gender dimorphism--males have a tendency to be slightly smaller than females, but there’s no real way to visually identify one from the other. Very much pack oriented--very few ever leave their home territory, though the planet’s scenery and the (contrary to appearance) hospitable nature of its inhabitants draws in a good crowd of tourists and vacationers. [indent]Racial Overview: -anthropomorphic canine, bare skull face -bi- and quadrupedal movement -peaceful, stay-at-home types -average lifespan of a healthy individual is roughly 300 years, adulthood reached at 40[/indent] [b]Breathes:[/b] Default [b]Background:[/b] Abandoned at a young age--orphaned or perhaps just unwanted, Teeth the pup never settled into any one pack, and ended up, in his younger teenage years, leaving the planet altogether. He learned medicinal practices from various pharmacies and general stores which happened to sell basic medical supplies that hired him for busywork, and eventually was taken in to a scholarship based medical training program. He eventually earned a professional degree, went into government work as a Medic, and was selected for the Argent Dawn based on his strong loyal sense (making him an ideal team player), exemplary medical skills, and readiness to get on a boat with a bunch of strangers for the remainder of his life. He was put upon the Argent Dawn when he was roughly 67, and at the start of the RP is 72. [b]Personality:[/b] In a stark contrast to his appearance, Teeth is a friendly, peppy individual, enjoying his work greatly and always having a good story to share. Friendly even by Seron standards, it’s hard to find an individual he dislikes. Talented, but humble, he really is just plain pleasant to be around, the kind of guy to splurge a bit on treats because “somebody had a great day today wherever they are, and we ought to celebrate”--a hard person to be upset near, whether or not you’ve been shot. [b]Character Description:[/b] A classic Seron--skull in the face, bone in the tail, long claws, and bright eyes. His body isn’t anything special--quite average for his species, perhaps a bit thick, but nothing to be glanced twice at. He stands, at upright posture, six foot three (6’3”) at the top of his head. His eyes are a pale yellow, and his fur a dull, sickly grey. [b]Proficiencies:[/b] -Creature Training -Critical Injury Healing -Normal Injury Healing -Mediation -Knowing Every Single Lyric To Various Showtunes [img]http://th01.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2014/199/d/2/teethref_by_sketchysituation-d7r8yef.jpg[/img] --- [b]Name:[/b] Dresden [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Class:[/b] Engineer [b]Role:[/b] Crewmember [b]Race:[/b] Unknown (calls herself a “Demon”) [b]Race Description:[/b] Humanoid other than slitted pupils and a long tail, barbed at the tip. Slightly extended resistance to temperature--can handle a little bit more for a little bit longer. Only known one is Dresden. [b]Breathes:[/b] Default [b]Background:[/b] Unknown--she tells people she’s from “Hell,” “Underworld,” “Hel,” “Hades,” or whatever place the general religion of their origin accepts as the more negative afterlife, and is in fact, an ageless Demon. Being the only known member of her race, there isn’t anyone to really tell her she isn’t--though no one really believes it, or at least no one in power. The only thing officially known is that she’s a talented engineer, who signed on to the federation, and then was brought onto the Argent Dawn. [b]Personality:[/b] Abrasive, caustic towards most. She’ll show respect to her superiors, but unless explicitly required to be friendly, she’ll be only passingly polite to anyone else she has to deal with--and even then, only sometimes. Although generally not blatantly rude, she doesn’t want to talk to people, and it’s clear. [b]Character Description:[/b] A thin girl, with little figure to speak of. Her body is lithe, with a decent height--five foot seven (5’7”)--and covered in wiry muscle. Her hair spikes up and hangs down in the front, lazily kept. The back of her head is cropped close, only gaining the longer length over the forward half of the top of her head. The colour is a dirty blond, her skin a tanned caucasian, and her eyes a sharp gold. [b]Proficiencies:[/b] -Equipment Repair and Maintenance -Ship Repair and Maintenance -Pistol Training -Lick Her Own Elbow -Draw Perfect Free-Handed Circles [img]http://th02.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2014/199/4/9/dresshot_by_sketchysituation-d7r8y4q.jpg[/img]