Man I can't wait for the next season lol x) I should have spread out the second season more, but oh well. I bet when Alex finds out that Piper got her back in prison she is gonna be really pissed heh. Ahaha! xD Little Miss Rebellious, that's me xD Honestly it doesn't seem like a big deal now though x) I had to fess up to them before they saw me in my bathing suit and spotted it anyway lol! What kind of tattoo would you get? I agonized over what I wanted [i]forever[/i]. Yay, I love summer. Sounds like you're going to have a blast! Ugh, yeah overthinking is the worst isn't it? Luckily my stress levels are wayyy low these days. Must be the sunshine x) And the no school lol. I've been working on some art projects that I never had time for during the school year, like watercoloring. I'll make another art thread and post some of my ink and watercolor sketches when I get a chance! Yeah soccer! World Cup Fifa soccer hosted in Brazil!! I loooove it, I'm cheering for the US so hard xD We beat Ghana last week, who we've always lost to in the past, it was so exciting. We tied with Portugal which sucked and on Thursday we play Germany and they're probably gonna kill us but I'll still cheer us on anyways x) I don't have cable, but I have an xbox and I managed to figure out how to stream the games live on my tv through an ESPN app by putting in my parents Time Warner Cable password, which they pay for mwahaha - cheating the system >D Simon and hi roommates come to watch the games because they don't have cable either. Who needs it?? As for what team is winning, it's still too early to have a clear winner yet, but US is still in the running. Aw that's precious! Do you think you guys will eventually start dating? Yay for being done! :D You go the Arabian lead for the Nutcracker? Congradualtions, that's awesome! I saw the Nutcracker when I was in middle school at some fancy theater in Ohio, and I remember being totally enchanted by it. And no rush on the post or anything, I know you've just finished school and want to relax for a chance! It's weird cuz I know for me personally, sometimes when I suddenly have a lot of free time, I don't want to actually do anything haha xD Edit: Oh yeah, what did you think of the Game of Thrones season finale?? Another Edit: Oh I totally forgot to tell you that thing I wanted to mention before lol, it's not even a big deal really I just got a promotion of sorts at work, so I'll be doing more managerial type work, not that noteworthy really. Ironically I'll have more free time on my hands because I work fewer shifts for longer amounts of time. So yeah, now I can waste even more time online lol. [s]I tried to start some more rp's but no one is as good as you.[/s]