Raine blinked in surprise as the guard suddenly began to walk away, barely giving the girl enough time to react to the sudden change of course. Sighing, she quickly made sure that her money pouch was secured underneath her cloak before moving to catch up with the guy, who was nearly around the corner by the time she finally got moving. [I]Geeze, why is he in such a hurry? Or does he always walk this fast?[/I] The assassin planned on asking that question out loud to Flake but, when she turned to address him, he was busy climbing over sleeping people to get to the roofs of the buildings. "Ignore him, by the time you're suited up, he'll still be messing around." The guard said without slowing down and, once again, Raine had to practically jog in order to keep up with him. She may be in shape, but she didn't enjoy running without some sort of reason too and, by the looks of things, they weren't running from anything. In fact, people seemed to be trying their best to get out of Drake's way to avoid getting trampled on by the big bulk of a man. "Yeah, I'd probably be running away too if I wasn't behind him." Raine mumbled to herself as she glanced up at the man; she immediately looked away as she noticed all the gunk and blood stains covering the back of the armor and she wondered what the front looked like. "Geeze, do you ever clean this thing? I can barely see my reflection in it." She complained and knocked on his armor lightly with her knuckles, though the assassin noticed that the probably hadn't heard her. [I]Oh well. I have no problem saying it again to him when he can actually hear me.[/I] Raine's thoughts were suddenly interrupted as a vendor called out, trying to bring people in to buy his bread. The girl's stomach seemed to growl in response and she paused for a moment, seriously contemplating whether or not to buy herself a piece of bread or not. "I bet it would be really tasty...but I should probably keep following..." As she looked up, Raine realized that the guard was no longer in sight and she silently cursed to herself. [I]Why does the delicious smell of bread always distract me?[/I] Soon, the cloaked female could be seen running through the crowd, dodging and shoving people as she did so. Her hood fell from her head as she hopped onto a pile of crates, exposing her silver hair, but she welcomed the sun as it warmed her nose and cheeks. While standing on the crates, Raine had a good view of her surrounding and she was able to spot the guard nearing what she assumed to be the armory. Now that she knew where he was, it didn't take long for her to catch up to the man, just as he was telling her to ignore every and follow him. "Sir yes sir." Raine said with a mock salute before following him inside with wide and curious eyes. The armory was like nothing she'd ever seen: People--mainly men--of all shapes and sizes stood over what she assume to be their own little work stations, complete with hammers, metal, and even more metal. The sound of metal hitting metal echoed to her left and, when she looked over, she saw a man using a hammer to shape a sword that was nearly as long as her arm. [I]That guy might be someone who would wield a sword that big...[/I] She thought, referring to Flake's friend, who had managed to get far ahead of her again. "Where are you taking me?" Raine called loudly to him once she caught up once more.