[b][i]Kingdom of Torfas[/i][/b] [hider=Nation Status] [b]Current Leader/Government:[/b] High King Cryoss Soulfell VI / Monarch [b]Settlements Owned:[/b] 9 [b]Provinces Owned:[/b] 2 [b]Population:[/b] 200.000 High Orcs / 160.000 Elves [b]Population Happiness:[/b] 80 % [b]Imports:[/b] Stone (Helor) Ship (Bahapore) Fish (Uaruneria) Pearl (Uaruneria) Furs (Achnon) Cattle (Achnon) [b]Exports:[/b] (1) Iron (Bahapore, Uaruneria, Achnon, Helor) (2) Bronze (Bahapore, Uaruneria, Achnon, Helor) (1) Warhorse () [b]Wealth:[/b] Average [b]Alliances:[/b] Uaruneria, Bahapore, Achnon [b]Trade Pacts:[/b] Bahapore, Uaruneria, Achnon, Helor [b]Cease Fires:[/b][/hider] [b]Army Status Cards:[/b] [hider=Fort and Fortress Guard.][b][i]Maradur Fortress Guard[/i][/b] [b]Location:[/b] Maradur Fortress. [b]Morale:[/b] 100% [b]Strength/Unit Breakdown:[/b] [indent] - (Troop Type) / (Number of Troops) / (Bonuses) - (Axeman) / (1.000) / (Armored, Trained) - (Gunner) / (750) / (Armored, Trained)[/indent] [b]Current Action:[/b] Stand by [b][i]Gromodor Fort Guard[/i][/b] [b]Location:[/b] Gromodor Fort. [b]Morale:[/b] 100% [b]Strength/Unit Breakdown:[/b] [indent] - (Troop Type) / (Number of Troops) / (Bonuses) - (Axeman) / (1.000) / (Armored, Trained) - (Gunner) / (250) / (Armored, Trained)[/indent] [b]Current Action:[/b] Stand by[/hider] [b]Navy Status Cards:[/b] [hider=Stormsound Navy] [b][i]Stormsound Navy Left Wing[/i][/b] [b]Current Admiral:[/b] Adaron Chillbreeze. [b]Location:[/b] Gromodor Fort. [b]Morale:[/b] 80% [b]Strength/Unit Breakdown:[/b] [indent] - (Troop Type) / (Number of Troops) / (Bonuses) - (Light Ship) / (20) / (No Bonuses) - (Medium Ship) / (10) / (No Bonuses) - (Heavy Ship) / (5) / (No Bonuses)[/indent] [b]Current Action:[/b] Sailing in north of Elthana [b][i]Stormsound Navy Right Wing[/i][/b] [b]Current Admiral:[/b] Bartyrox Yellowtusks. [b]Location:[/b] Gromodor Fort. [b]Morale:[/b] 80% [b]Strength/Unit Breakdown:[/b] [indent] - (Troop Type) / (Number of Troops) / (Bonuses) - (Light Ship) / (20) / (No Bonuses) - (Medium Ship) / (10) / (No Bonuses) - (Heavy Ship) / (5) / (No Bonuses)[/indent] [b]Current Action:[/b] Sailing in south of Elthana[/hider] ---- A Dying Message, From A Dying King of A Dying Land ---- Weeks has passed after the messenger departure to Helor with news of good fortune for both kingdom, when the messenger return he's not alone, a big humanoid elephant, known as Ganesha is accompanied by the messenger to the throne room in Maradur Fortress. "My King, the ambassador of Helor." As the messenger said while kneeling, after he and the ambassador enter the throne room. "State your business, is your King, Saint-King Bharat has accepted my trade terms?" he ask to the ambassador. "Our King is pleased to hear your message, but at the same time a great misfortune also befell us, our allies, Lord Commander Cyril Gatecross lost the battle and his empire fell into the hands of the lizard of Hlondeth, and if they come after us, we must be ready. Related to that, unfortunately we can't supply you with our rice, but in return, we will double the amount of the stone that we will give in return of your iron and bronze as we really need it to make our own weapon due to possible incoming invasion." the ambassador answered. "Then so be it, i accept what your king can offer me, and tell your King, He is invited to the Grand Alliance, and if the Hlondeth lizard is invading Helor, just send me a messenger, my forces is ready to help" "young messenger tell the economic council to prepare the trading ship," "Yes, my King." "Many thanks High King Cryoss Soulfell, our people will never forget your help." ---- The Grand Fleet Part. 2 ---- Cryoss, riding in a horseback, come to visit Gromodor port to see the ship building progress, it has progressed much from the first he ordered to build the fleet but, at this rate, the fleet will be finished at the end of autumn, the king is a little bit uneasy with this, [i]"this will not make it right in time."[/i] he said as he ride back to Maradur. As soon as he arrived in Maradur, he hurried to write a message to Bahapore, [hider=Message to Lord Geward]To Lord Geward, Representative of Bahapore People. With this letter i would let you know that the black ships that once sail in Orysson sea is now gone, but i am concerned that they will come soon and if they did, we, as the nations of the coast should be able to repel them from our land. I have started building a massive fleet and i would like you to do the same, for our land, and our nations. With Regards, High King of Torfas, Cryoss Soulfell.[/hider] "Gruul, give this message to one of our messenger, and tell him to deliver this letter to Lord Geward." Without word, Gruul hurried himself to find the messenger and give him the message. ---- Elthana Report ---- "My King, Report From Elthana Councils" said Gruul, after he enter the throne. [hider=Report][indent][u]Elthana Council Report[/u] [u]Military:[/u] - After Weeks of training, we can provide a maximum number of 2.000 Archers, but in advance we also develop an archer elite division, which in an intensive training in woods, and lately we discover some old parchment that come with this letter and the other findings. - The fleet building is in a steady pace, we will finish the ships in the early autumn. [u]Development:[/u] - Some Settlement have been built near Elthania plain, and Moonshade Plain. [u]Economic:[/u] - The export goes well, Merchants goes in and out the city, the economy is growing vast. [u]Social:[/u] - More elves are wanted to move to the Settlement near Kalaros, as words from the elves that live in there has come to Elthana.[/indent][/hider] "And this is the package that come with the letter" "Open that for me, i need to write a further order for this" As he begin to write the letter, Gruul open the chest and surprised for what he found. "My king, you should take a look at this" as he lift a large but slim twin curved warglaive, "I found this and some old parchment" "Intresting..." The warglaive, is bladed in both side, while the grip is in the middle of the glaives, the blade is somewhat strong, but light weight. the steel is still shining despite of created long time ago. "Send this package to the Anvil, let them deal with this things" "Yes, my King, i'll deliver this to the Anvil myself." ---- Orcish Archer Division ---- Weeks has passed, the archery training of the High Orc is done well, while trained by the Elthana Elite archers, and adapting from the Elthanian art Archery, the Torfas Kingdom now has it own Archers, while able to shoot farther than the regular elves, the archers is also able to clash in a melee combat due to their axe playing skill. As the storm grows near, this will give Torfas and the Grand Alliance a great advancement. ---- The Traveler Journal Part. 2 ---- WIP